I currently serve as the Vice Minister of Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Before that, from 2002 to 2014 I was with IKOHI, a national association of victims of human rights violation. I was the Chair of AFAD, a Philippine-based Asian Federation Against Disappearances from 2006 to 2014. From 2015 to 2019 I was with INFID. From 2020 to 2024, I worked as a Senior Advisor at the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (KSP). I can be reached at mugiyanto@gmail.com.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Jose Ramos Horta promises to ratify Convention on Enforced Disappearances this year
25 November 2009, Dili, East Timor
“Every family in my country has someone disappeared. I myself have two brothers who disappeared.”
These were words of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Timor-Leste President Jose Ramos-Horta in a meeting yesterday with the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) whose local member is HAK Association. The president made a clear commitment that he would undertake all efforts to sign and ratify this international treaty before the end of 2009. He noted that had he been alerted earlier, the government of Timor-Leste could have already been a state party.
The team, which also included a representative from the Latin American Federation of Associations of Relatives of Disappeared – Detainees (FEDEFAM), asked the President to facilitate that Timor-Leste be one of the first 20 countries to ratify the international treaty which provides the right to truth and the right not to be subjected to enforced disappearances.
The AFAD Chairperson, Mugiyanto said that the Indonesian and the Timor-Leste- governments established a Truth and Friendship Commission. The joint c2ommission, which recommends the establishment of a Commission on Disappearances, will be guided by the treaty, if ratified.
Khurram Parvez of the AFAD member-organization in the disputed state of Jammu and Kashmir greeted Pres. Ramos-Horta with admiration as the latter is considered by the Kashmiri people who are fighting for independence, as an icon. Looking up to Pres. Ramos-Horta as exemplary world leader, Parvez appealed to the president to ratify the international treaty and for the president to appeal to other Nobel Peace Laureates and other Asian heads of states to endorse the treaty criminalizing enforced disappearances. President Ramos-Horta assured that he would write to other heads of states and Nobel Peace Prize winners.
To date, the Convention has been signed by more than 80 governments and 16 states. To enter into force, it needs 4 more ratifications. If Timor-Leste is a party to this Convention within this year, it will mark history to be one of the first 20 countries to ratify it.
If realized, the ratification of East Timor will go a long way towards helping the victims of conflict who continue to cry for truth, justice, reparation and the reconstruction of their historical memory.
The delegation is composed of Mugiyanto (IKOHI-Indonesia), Mary Aileen D. Bacalso (Secretary-General, Philippines), Khurram Parvez (APDP-Kashmir); Rosanna Santos Contreras (Philippines); Ruth Llanos vda. de Navarro (FEDEFAM-Bolivia). The AFAD is a regional federation of human rights organizations working directly on the issue of enforced disappearances with nine members from 7 Asian countries.
Signed and authenticated by:
AFAD Secretary-General
Secretary of Projects-FEDEFAM
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Attending the Founding Congres of Families of Victims of Disappearances in Aceh
Banda Aceh - On October 10 - 12, 2009, 210 survivors and families of victims of disappearances from 10 regencies in Aceh carried out a founding Congress. The result was the establishment of an organization of families of disappearances in Aceh Province called "KAGUNDAH" (Acehnese language) which stands for Families of Victims of Enforced Disappearances.
Observers from various human rights organzations were presents, including Mugiyanto, who represent Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared (IKOHI) and Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD), accompanied by Wanma Yetty and Utomo Rahardjo representing IKOHI Jakarta and East Java.
Elected by the Congress to become the Secretary-General of KAGUNDAH was Rukayah from Aceh Besar regencies whose younger disappeared in 1990's. Like what Rukayah said, the establishment of KAGUNDAH was an initial step to strengthen the capacity of the families of victims to struggle for truth, justice and reparations in Aceh in particular and Indonesia in general.
Long live KAGUNDAH!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
House urges justice for kidnapped activistsThe Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Tue, 09/29/2009 1:16 PM | National
Parliament has called on President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to form a human rights court to try the cases of rights activists kidnapped in 1997.
The House of Representatives also urged Yudhoyono to find out what happened to the 13 kidnapped activists, who remain missing.
Compensation for their families should also be paid, the House went on, while the government should ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
The House made the call Monday, following recommendations by its special committee on the kidnapping cases.
"Attorney General Hendarman Supandji must continue the investigation with the National Commission on Human Rights so that the suspects can be taken to court," said committee chairman Effendi Simbolon. "The court should be established by presidential decree."
After the session, relatives of the missing activists presented Effendi with a white rose "to symbolize their respect for his leadership of the committee," detik.com reported.
Effendi told The Jakarta Post the calls were made after a discussion of the cases with the human rights commission, various human rights NGOs and families of the missing activists.
"The committee didn't make any investigation of its own, but we based our recommendations on the human rights commission's investigation," he said.
He added the committee had tried to summon government officials to confirm facts in the case.
The committee had invited Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Widodo A.S., Indonesian Military Chief Gen. Djoko Santoso, Attorney General Hendarman Supandji, State Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Syamsir Siregar, Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono, and Justice and Human Rights Minister Andi Mattalata.
"None of the officials accepted our invitation," Effendi said.
"We sent a letter to the President to urge the officials to come, but he didn't give any clear instructions."
He added the committee had also planned to summon suspects in the kidnapping cases, but had refrained from doing so.
The suspects include failed vice-presidential candidates Wiranto, from the People's Conscience Party (Hanura), and Prabowo Subianto, from the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), as well as officers from the Army's Special Forces (Kopassus).
Mugiyanto, chairman of the Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared, said the families were satisfied with the House's stance.
"The House has done its part in making recommendations to the government," he said.
"Now we hope the government will act on the recommendations."
He said forming a human rights court was important, since the Attorney General's Office had repeatedly postponed any investigation due to the lack of an ad-hoc court.
Mugiyanto, also kidnapped but latter released in 1997, said finding the activists was the main concern of the families.
"At the very least, the truth about their fate must be unveiled," he said.
"If Indonesia doesn't want to be burdened with past human rights violations, this step must be taken."
Mugiyanto said he hoped Yudhoyono would follow up on the recommendations within the first 100 days after his inauguration. (mrs)
Source: The Jakarta Post, http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/09/29/house-urges-justice-kidnapped-activists.html
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
DPR Rekomendasikan Penyelesaian Kasus Penghilangan 1997-1998
Pansus Keluarkan 4 RekomendasiKeluarga Korban Berharap Paripurna Mendukung
Rabu, 16 September 2009 | 03:16 WIB
Jakarta, Kompas - Panitia Khusus Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat untuk Penanganan Peristiwa Penghilangan Orang secara Paksa Tahun 1997-1998, Selasa (15/9), akhirnya memutuskan empat rekomendasi.
Pertama, merekomendasikan kepada Presiden untuk membentuk Pengadilan Hak Asasi Manusia Ad Hoc.
Kedua, merekomendasikan kepada Presiden serta segenap institusi pemerintah dan pihak-pihak terkait untuk segera melakukan pencarian terhadap 13 orang yang oleh Komnas HAM masih dinyatakan hilang.
Ketiga, merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah untuk merehabilitasi dan memberikan kompensasi kepada keluarga korban yang hilang.
Keempat, merekomendasikan kepada pemerintah agar segera meratifikasi Konvensi Antipenghilangan Paksa sebagai bentuk komitmen dan dukungan untuk menghentikan praktik penghilangan paksa di Indonesia.
Rekomendasi itu disampaikan Wakil Ketua Pansus Darmayanto dari Fraksi Partai Amanat Nasional dan dilaporkan pada Rapat Konsultasi Pimpinan DPR dan Pimpinan Fraksi, Selasa sore, sebagai pengganti Rapat Badan Musyawarah.
Dalam rapat yang dipimpin langsung oleh Ketua DPR Agung Laksono dan dihadiri seluruh fraksi itu, laporan pansus disetujui untuk disahkan di Rapat Paripurna, 28 September 2009.
”Doakan saja semoga lancar di Paripurna nanti,” ujar Darmayanto.
Anggota Pansus dari Fraksi Kebangkitan Bangsa, Nursyahbani Katjasungkana, optimistis bahwa mayoritas DPR akan menerima rekomendasi pansus dalam Rapat Paripurna mendatang. ”Mayoritas anggota DPR itu masih punya nurani. Mereka pasti mendukung,” ujarnya.
Willa Chandrawilla dari Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan juga menegaskan, rekomendasi pansus sejalan dengan rekomendasi yang dihasilkan Komnas HAM.
”Kami sangat percaya dengan laporan Komnas HAM yang tebalnya 1.074 halaman itu,” katanya.
Kado DPR
Ketua Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia (IKOHI) menyambut gembira rekomendasi pansus. ”Ini bukan saja kado Lebaran buat keluarga korban, tapi juga kado DPR yang akan segera mengakhiri masa tugasnya. Bagi kami, ini angin segar dan harapan baru,” tegasnya.
IKOHI berharap, keputusan yang sudah berpihak pada korban ini pun tidak ditelikung dan dimentahkan lagi di Rapat Paripurna. Setelah disahkan di Rapat Paripurna, Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono dapat segera menindaklanjutinya.
Sebagai tanda dukungan terhadap pansus, IKOHI pun berencana mengajak para keluarga korban untuk menyaksikan Rapat Paripurna.
Dia pun berharap 550 anggota DPR dapat hadir di Rapat Paripurna yang akan menorehkan catatan sejarah baru bagi penegakan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia.
23 hilang
Komnas HAM mencatat 23 orang dihilangkan oleh alat-alat negara selama periode 1997-1998. Dari jumlah itu, satu orang ditemukan meninggal (Leonardus Gilang), sembilan orang dilepaskan penculiknya, dan 13 lainnya masih hilang hingga hari ini.
Ke-13 aktivis yang masih hilang adalah Petrus Bima Anugrah, Herman Hendrawan, Suyat, Wiji Thukul, Yani Afri, Sonny, Dedi Hamdun, Noval Al Katiri, Ismail, Ucok Siahaan, Hendra Hambali, Yadin Muhidin, dan Abdun Nasser.
Sembilan aktivis yang dilepaskan adalah Desmond Junaidi Mahesa, Haryanto Taslam, Pius Lustrilanang, Faisol Reza, Rahardjo Walujo Djati, Nezar Patria, Aan Rusdianto, Mugianto, dan Andi Arief. (sut)
Sumber: http://cetak.kompas.com/read/xml/2009/09/16/03165951/pansus.keluarkan.4.rekomendasi
Friday, July 24, 2009
40 Years of Silence, An Indonesian Tragedy film Screening
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
Friday, June 05, 2009
Dalam konteks HAM, PDIP adalah masa lalu
1. Sebagai korban penculikan di era orde baru, bagaimana perasaan anda ketika mengetahui Prabowo Subianto, yang diduga memberi perintah penculikan anda, menjadi cawapres dari Megawati Soekarnoputri?
Saya sangat kecewa dengan PDIP yang memutuskan menjadikan Prabowo Subianto sebagai Cawapres-nya Megawati, karena sebelumnya kami berharap bahwa PDIP masih memiliki komitmen, walaupun sedikit, dalam penegakan hak asasi manusia. Indikasi yang terakhir sebelum pemilu 2009 adalah ketika PDIP sangat antusias menghidupkan kembali Panitia Khusus (PANSUS) Penghilangan Paksa di DPR pada bulan September 2008. Sebagaimana diketahui, PDIP sebagai partai yang lahir dari rahim perjuangan menentang Orde Baru, bahkan beberapa pimpinannya sendiri adalah korban kebijakan politik Orde Baru, mustinya memiliki keberpihakan terhadap para sesama korban Orde Baru. Dan korban Orde Baru adalah juga para wong cilik, yang selama ini diklaim sebagai konstituen PDIP. Oleh karena itu, klaim PDIP sebagai representasi orang kecil, orang miskin, orang tertindas menurut saya telah dikhianati begitu PDIP menjadikan Prabowo Subianto sebagai Cawapres;nya Megawati.
2. Banyak pihak menilai pencalonan Prabowo merupakan ujian bagi penegakan hukum, khususnya hak asasi manusia, di Indonesia. Bagaimana komentar Anda?
Pencalonan Prabowo bukan lagi ujian bagi penegakan hukum, tapi mengingkaran dari usaha penegakan hukum. Orang yang terindikasi kuat telah melakukan pelanggaran berat HAM, khususnya kejahatan terhadap kemanusiaan sebagaimana ditemukan oleh Komnas HAM untuk kasus Tragedi Mei 1998 dan Penghilangan Paksa Aktifis tahun 1997-1998, sebenarnya tidak punya otoritas moral untuk memegang jabatan publik, apalagi menjadi presiden atau wakil presiden. Mengambil contoh di beberapa negara yang memiliki warisan pelanggaran HAM berat dan kejahatan kemanusiaan pada masa pemerintahan otoriter, seperti yang terjadi di negara-negara Jerman, Polandia, Ceko dan beberapa negara Eropa Timur lainnya, lustrasi sosial perlu dilakukan. Lustrasi, adalah istilah dalam transitional justice yang mengatur agar orang-orang yang terlibat dalam kejahatan kemanusiaan di masa lalu tidak menempati jabatn publik. Dalam situasi negara transisi yang sedang membangun demokrasi seperti Indonesia saat ini, orang-orang yang terlibat pelanggaran berat pada masa kediktatoran masa lalu sepatutnya tidak mencalonkan diri menjadi Capres atau Cawapres, sebelum mereka mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya tersebut dimuka hukum yang adil dan imparsial. Dan kalau mereka memaksakan diri untuk mencalonkan diri karena kekuasaan dan kekayaan, masyarakat Indonesia harus berani tegas untuk tidak memberikan suaranya untuk mereka.
3. Apakah majunya Prabowo Subianto sebagai cawapres dalam Pemilihan Presiden 2009, menjadi preseden, bahwa di masa depan, pelanggar HAM bisa saja mencalonkan diri menjadi pejabat tertinggi negara ini?
Iya, ini preseden buruk bagi masa depan hukum dan demokrasi di Indonesia. Mereka mustinya dimintakan pertanggungjawabannya dulu, secara hukum. Proses hukum harus dijalankan supaya peristiwanya jelas, dalam artian kebenaran seputar peristiwa pelanggaran HAM terungkap. Pelaku dan penangungjawab harus diproses secara hukum yang adil dan tidak berpihak (imparsial), serta korban dipulihkan. Tujuannya apa, supaya peristiwa serupa tidak terjadi lagi di waktu yang akan datang. Kalau seperti yang terjadi sekarang, para pelaku dan penanggungjawab tidak diproses secara hukum, dan malah dijadikan calon presiden dan calon wakil presiden, ini sangat berbahaya bagi masa depan Indonesia. Para pejabat publik dan pejabat negara akan terus mengulang tindak pelanggaran HAM demi tujuan kekuasaan karena hal tersebut seolah dibolehkan di Indonesia. Kalau di masa lalu kami yang menjadi korban, di waktu yang akan dating, siapapun bias menjadi korban. Ini bahayanya, dan karenanya perlu kita cegah bersama-sama.
4. Bagaimana pendapat Anda tentang keputusan Megawati dan Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan memilih Prabowo Subianto sebagai cawapres? Sebab, PDIP selama ini justru dikenal sebagai partai politik yang paling lantang berbicara soal HAM di parlemen?
Dalam kontek HAM, PDIP sudah menjadi masa lalu. Keputusan menggandeng Prabowo Subianto adalah keputusan yang blunder dari PDIP. Tetapi kita masih belum tahu bagaimana proses selanjutnya, karena yang saya dengar, keputusan mendukung Prabowo juga bukan keputusan bulat. Banyak pimpinan PDIP, terutama yang unsur genuine PDIP dan mereka yang berlatar belakang aktifis juga sebenarnya tidak menyetujui pencalonan Prabowo. Tapi karena Ketua Umum Megawati memutuskan demikian, mereka tidak bisa menolak. Beginilah watak partai politik yang masih sangat feodal. Tetapi kita lihat saja perkembangan internal di PDIP, setelah mereka tidak mendapatkan mandar dari rakyat dalam Pilpres 2009 Juli nanti. Sebagai indikator terakhir soal sikap PDIP dalam penegakan HAM, kita akan lihat bagaimana sikap Fraksi PDIP di DPR mengenai kelanjutan Pansus Penghilangan Paksa di DPR. Pada awalnya, mereka sangat getol untuk memeriksa Prabowo, Wiranto dan SBY. Kita lihat saja langkah mereka. Kalau mereka ternyata berubah sikap, maka saya pikir para pemilih perlu mengubur ilusi bahwa Megawati adalah pembela rakyat kecil, pembela korban pelanggaran HAM. Megawati perlu “dihukum” untuk yang kesekian kalinya.
5. Dengan citra PDIP yang banyak berbicara soal HAM, apakah sebenarnya saat Megawati memerintah, dia benar-benar tidak melanggar HAM dan tidak melakukan politik neoliberal?
Sebagai Parpol yang lahir dari rahim penindasan Orde Baru, PDIP pada awalnya memang menjadi harapan penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran HAM. Terlebih lagi ketika Megawati menjadi Presiden. Tetapi saat itu, harapan tersebut tidak terwujud. Bukannya menyelesaikan kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM, ia malah banyak membuat kebijakan yang melukai korban pelanggaran HAM, yaitu dengan memberikan ruang bagi para pelanggar HAM untuk masuk ke DPP dan menjadi Gubernur di beberapa daerah. Megawati juga gagal menyelesaikan proses penanganan kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM. Pada level ini, ketika hak korban dan masyarakat atas keadilan tidak dipenuhi oleh Negara, pemerintah sudah melanggar HAM. Selain itu, kebijakan Megawati mengenai Aceh dengan memberlakukan Darurat Militer dan Darurat Sipil benar-benar telah melukai rakyat Aceh. Soal yang terakhir ini (Aceh), saya khawatir, Megawati yang punya kecenderungan nasionalisme chauvinis akan menjadi ultra-nasionalis bila bergandengan dengan Prabowo Subianto yang juga memiliki semangat dan jargon-jargon yang juga ultra-nasionalis.
Mengenai kebijakan ekonomi-politik neoliberal, menurut saya semua pasangan capres dan cawapres sama saja. Mereka tidak akan mau melepaskan dirinya dari kebijakan tersebut. Megawati juga sudah membuktikannya ketika berkuasa, dengan kebijakan privatisasi yang massif, yang merupakan salah satu contoh kebijakan neoliberal. Bahwa sekarang ia berkampanye soal kebijakan yang tidak neoliberal alias kerakyatan, menurut saya itu hanya jargon dan janji kosong yang tidak akan pernah direalisasikan, karena itu juga akan merugikan kepentingan dia sendiri dan kelompoknya, termasuk Prabowo Subianto. Jargon anti neoliberal dan ekonomi kerakyatan dijual, terutama karena Prabowo tidak bisa memjual
Menurut saya, Pilpres 2009 ini adalah tahapan yang paling krusial dari proses transisi di Indonesia yang sudah berjalan selama 11 tahun. Proses transisi ini perlu dikawal oleh seluruh masyarakat supaya tidak dipimpin oleh unsur-unsur yang menjadi penghalang atau musuh reformasi ketika transisi ini dicanangkan pada tahun 1998 yang lalu. Ketika kita belum bisa 100 persen melepaskan diri dari neoliberalisme, maka kita musti mengkondisikan agar hasil Pilpres 2009 setidaknya tetap memberikan jaminan bahwa demokrasi yang selama ini kita rawat akan tetap ada dan memungkinkan untuk diperluas dan diperkuat untuk kesejahteraan rakyat Indonesia, diwilayah ekonomi, politik, sosial dan hak asasi manusia.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
A Reflection on Ten Years after the Kidnapping of Activists
We Will Never Forget
8 April 2008 - 18:3 WIB
Today exactly ten years ago, on March 13, 1998, several hordes of the coercive New Order apparatus slithered from one region to the next towards the densely populated area of Jakarta. They intended to arrest "dangerous" people who their leader considered to have the potential to cause the authoritarian New Order regime under Soeharto to crash. They were looking for Nezar Patria, Aan Rusdianto, Mugiyanto, and Petrus Bima Anugerah. Four people who they believed to live in the same place.
One day before, on March 12 1998, one of the hordes succeeded in executing their mission. That horde succeeded in kidnapping three "dangerous" people. These were Faisol Riza, Raharja Waluya Jati, and Herman Hendrawan. These three people were the underground leaders of an organization prohibited at that time, the Democratic People's Party (PRD). Riza, Jati, and Herman were kidnapped when they were about to have lunch around Jalan Diponegoro. Riza and Jati were kidnapped around Cipto Hospital (RSCM), while it has been certified that Herman was kidnapped around the Megaria complex.
After being locked up, interrogated, and tortured for almost a month in some mysterious place, Riza and Jati were sent home. Herman, on the other hand, was not. He has not returned home to Bangka until today, even when his beloved father passed away five years ago.
That Friday of March 13 1998, at 7.30 pm, was an unlucky day for me. As I entered the house we had only been renting for a week, something awkward happened. Nezar and Aan should have been home, because I asked them on the telephone to wait for me 20 minutes before and they had said "yes". But they both were not there. They had only left a glass of lemonade, which was still hot, behind. At that moment, I thought that surely they were just outside for a while.
I also sent a message to Nezar's pager "Nez, where are you? I wait at home, okay." That was the message I sent him via the operator. I sent that message twice, because the first message had not been answered. About five minutes later, I started getting all kinds of thoughts. I was thinking of worst case scenarios. Admittedly we were indeed being looked for at the time. We were alleged as the actors of the riot on July 27, 1996. This was the incident where the PDI (Democratic Party of Indonesia, the only official opposition party of that time) office on Jalan Diponegoro in Jakarta, was invaded by a large group of people with short hair cuts and hefty postures, causing hundreds of people to die and disappear.
Then two of my friends phoned me at home. They were both in a state of panic. One of them was crying leaving this message, "You guys please be careful, and don't let any of you get caught again." Rather than encouraging me, that message increased my suspicions that something really bad was waiting for me. I was reminded of tens of other friends from the PRD who had been sent to jail at that time, such as Budiman Sudjatmiko, Dita Sari, Petrus Harianto, and others.
And I was right. I went up to the window of the two storey house and moved the curtain aside to peep outside. My body suddenly went limp as I saw some people with sturdy postures standing down there in a line observing me intently. Then I tiptoed to the kitchen, contemplating to jump down and run away. But down there, tens of other people were standing lined up. My house had already been besieged. My body went even limper. I already imagined that my end was near.
With the only energy I had left in me, I reached out to the electric switch and turned off the light. Then, precisely at that moment, they pounded on the door. "Open the door! Open the door!" I opened the door, and about ten people entered the house. One of them was an old man wearing a peci (rimless cap), looking like a state official. He was very polite and relaxed. "Mas, please just follow them," he said. Two of the men were dressed in military uniforms and the rest were in civilian outfits.
After they messed up the house, they took me downstairs three minutes later. They put me onto a vehicle which had been waiting to bring us to a place which turned out to be the Duren Sawit Military Headquarters in East Jakarta. I was interrogated for half an hour before they took "us" to the East Jakarta Military District Command. I say "us" because I had a "companion" who was also arrested, called Jaka. Or at least that is how he introduced himself to me in front of the interrogators of the Military Headquarters.
In the end it was revealed to me that Jaka was a Special Forces officer, a member of the Mawar Team assigned to ensure that I would not be taken by other unit. After stopping for three minutes at the East Jakarta Military District Command, I was taken onto the vehicle again. This time, I was blindfolded. This is when the process of interrogation and the American military style torture started.
I was locked up, interrogated, and tortured from the evening of March 13 to the afternoon of March 15. I was blindfolded, while both of my hands and legs were tied up to a cot. I only wore my underwear. There was the sound of sirens roaring, the space was very cold and an there was an electrocution device which sounded like a whip. There was also horrifying torture equipment, and those kidnappers intentionally made us listen to the screams of other people who were being tortured. Such savage kidnappers they were. They made me listen to the voices of Nezar Patria and Aan Rusdianto who were being tortured near to where I was. I then realized that before I got arrested, Nezar and Aan had been already been kidnapped. My messages for Nezar, which I sent from my pager, were received by those brutal kidnappers.
After staying in GuantĂĄnamo Indonesia for two days, which we finally came to know as a base camp of the Special Forces in Cijantung, East Jakarta, we were handed over to the Polda Metrojaya of Jakarta (the District Police). I was detained along with Nezar and Aan in the Rutan Polda (District Police Detention Center) until our arrest was finally extended until June 6, 1998. We were released from prison because President Habibie canceled the Anti-subversion Act which was used as the grounds of our arrest at that time.
(I have released the chronological testimony on June 8, 1998 which can be downloaded at www.ikohi.blogspot.com)
My heart was pounding when I wrote down this story again. I try to fight against my trauma, although it is difficult. It is very difficult. I cannot forget it. I can only manage it and save this memory to transform it into positive energy, especially because the "mistake" I made in the past was to fight against a dictatorship, a "mistake" which until now I consider to have been the right thing to do. I feel proud of my past, also because in the present I am with those who became the eyewitnesses and martyrs of the more than three-decade long period of dictatorship. (I hope the Stockholm syndrome will always be far removed from my life).
It has been ten years after that incident. IKOHI (The Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared), the institution where I have been working to fulfill and continue this life, together with hundreds and maybe even thousands of people who are in the same boat, is now developing solidarity, cooperation, and strength.
But we realize that we need the support of society to be able to make enforced disappearances and kidnappings of the past become history. "Make disappearance a history." That's our slogan in the international movement against enforced disappearances. We want to make the practice of kidnapping and eliminating people a forbidden practice because it is identical with Hitler/Nazi, Pinochet, Videla/Junta, Soeharto/Orba and so forth. It is the measure for the level of civilization of a nation. And to reach that level, the first thing to do is to solve what has happened.
In period of 1997/1998, we have recorded 23 persons as victims of enforced disappearances conducted by the state apparatus. From that amount, one person was found dead (Leonardus Gilang), nine people were released by their kidnappers (Mugiyanto is one of them), while thirteen others are missing until now. The abovementioned case has been investigated by the National Commission on Human Rights based on Act No 26/2000 on a Human Rights Court and have been submitted to the Attorney General two years ago. At the present, the Attorney General has to immediately carry out the investigation especially since the Constitutional Court has told them so on February 21 2008.
This case has to be settled immediately, not because it is the only case of enforced disappearances nor is it the biggest one, but solely because the lawsuit of this 1997/1998 enforced disappearances case has shown progress and is ready to be taken to the Human Rights court. From thereon we will see how the State will bear responsibility for cases of enforced disappearances which have been occurring since the 30 September 1965 tragedy, the periods of martial law in Aceh and Papua, the mysterious murders (Petrus), and others.
It is also important to observe that cases of enforced disappearances have their own unique and specific characteristics. Torture is often mentioned as the mother of human rights violations because almost all grave human rights violations contain an element of torture. But it is in cases of enforced where all grave human rights violations come together. This means that enforced or involuntary disappearances contain elements of grave human rights violations such as torture, detention, and even murder.
Enforced disappearances are also specific because the families left behind are in a continuous state of uncertainty about the condition of the disappeared person. This state of uncertainty is in itself considered as emotional torture. Based on this continuous impact on the family, the United Nation mechanism UNWGEID has issued the requirements of urgent and prompt action, an emergency measure for the state to immediately undertake action whenever a case of enforced disappearance has occurred. In Indonesia, we have to wait for ten years, maybe even more. Millions of other families of the victims of 1965 cases have had to wait more than forty years now.
The families of the enforced disappeared also face other difficulties living in the society and country. To be stigmatized as separatist, communist, rebel or fundamentalist is a daily phenomenon they have to deal with. This stigma continues in the form of discrimination and isolation not only socially by the society but also structurally by the state through legal policies.
One day, a child of one of the victims of enforced disappearances experienced a problem at school. Fajar Merah was asked by his teacher why he filled in the name of his mother Dyah Sujirah in the column for his father's name. Fajar explained that he doesn't know his father. His mother has actually raised him all this time. His mother has become a father to him. He doesn't even know whether or not his father is still alive, because his mother also doesn't. He knows that his father is Wiji Thukul, but he doesn't know his father well since he and his father have been separated by the dictatorship since their last meeting in December 1997, when Fajar celebrated his third birthday. At that time, Thukul recorded Fajar's birthday with a handy cam. Nobody knows whether as we speak Thukul is playing his child's birthday video recording.
The family of Suyat (another victim of enforced disappearances) who lives in Gemolong, Sragen, has a story about hope. Since Suyat was kidnapped in early 1998, his family kept on hoping for him to be returned by his kidnappers, just like some other victims. They had already prepared a sheep to be slaughtered if that beautiful expectation would come true. However, year after year, the expectation did not yet materialize and the sheep was consumed by age, until finally it was sold because of financial difficulties. But that hope is still there. And a sheep will somehow be available somewhere to be slaughtered one day.
Waiting is a very boring thing to do. Waiting for certainty makes this already boring situation even more boring. Because of this that sort of situation turns into restlessness, and makes people want to give up. Waiting for certainty becomes waiting in uncertainty, especially when the waiting time continues to be stretched. This can become something deadly, something fatal.
IKOHI recorded that from the families whose members disappeared in the period of 1997/1998, four parents of victims passed away. They are the fathers of Yadin Muhidin, Herman Hendrawan, and Noval Alkatiri. They all passed away because they were ill, because they were killed by uncertainty. They passed away when the people they loved had not yet returned home to embrace them. Some other parents are also experiencing illnesses, which the doctor diagnosed as caused by the mental pressure they have been going through. They are psychosomatic, with various kinds of other illnesses. There are another ten, hundred, or even thousand victims and victims' families who experience the same thing.
There are many real problems which victims' families go through in their day to day lives as a result of losing their beloved. Those issues require handling of the state. Legally, the cases need to be investigated, researched, and those who are responsible have to be prosecuted by law and punished according to justice, whereas the victims and victims' families need obtain their rights to be restored. One kind of restoration which should be carried out by the state is to bring back the victims and their families to the same situation they were in before the incident happened.
Victims' families need to get complete answers from the state for these main questions:
"Where are the people we love?"
"How are their conditions?"
"We are ready to accept even the worst answer."
"If they are already dead, where are they buried?"
They will also request:
"Return them in the same condition you took them in!"
Parveena Ahangar, a mother whose son was kidnapped by the Indian military in Kashmir, shared her story with me.
"At one point, I was asked to meet with an Indian military officer who supervises Srinagar city where my son was kidnapped. In the meeting which was witnessed by some other families of victims, the officer said, "Please Mam, just stop talking about that incident. It is impossible to return your missing son. Here, we give you USD 100.000 as compensation money, so you can forget that incident, and you can live a normal life." Then I told that officer, ' Sir, what if I give you twice the amount of money you offer me, and then I just kill your child!"
Parveena wept because of holding back her anger when telling me her story almost three years ago. She now leads an organization for families of the enforced disappeared in Kashmir, India.
Yesterday as a closing to this reflection a friend of mine typed something in a Yahoo Messenger chat room: "One Soeharto is dead, and another thousand of Soehartos will emerge. But it is very difficult to replace one friend who was struggling with us but is still missing now." That friend, Wilson, is right, because a thousand Soehartos can be stopped by one fighting friend.
There is another quote which I recently found back. This quote is taken from the plea of Budiman Sudjatmiko, who was the Leader of the Democratic People's Party at the time, and was brought to justice by the New Order court in 1997. It was there that he stated, "I become the witness for the suffering of my people who are struggling, and I will take that testimony with me until they are free."
I trembled listening to that statement, because until today the people are not yet free and the same is true for 13 other victims of enforced disappearances, including Wiji Thukul, Herman Hendrawan, Suyat, Petrus Bimo Anugerah, and Yani Afri.
Suyatno, Suyat's older brother, a villager who works as a carpenter far away in Gemolong, Sragen always said, "If it wouldn't be for Suyat, there is no way that Gus Dur, Mega, and SBY would have become president."
When saying goodbye to Sipon, his beloved wife, Wiji Thukul told her, "Pon, I return to Jakarta because my friends are imprisoned."
Hmmmmm..... (Taking a deep breath)
It has been ten years since this incident happened. When I saw my child and the children of my friends playing together, I felt like time was running fast. But when I saw posters of the enforced disappeared posted in the IKOHI office and the faces of their families, Mami, Bu Nung, Mbak Pon, Pak Tomo, Bu Tomo, Bu Fatah, Bu Paniyem, Pak Paimin, Bu Zuniar, I felt that the time of torture runs very slow.
What is for sure is that we will never forget that in the history of this nation, we are the eyewitnesses of the cruel oppression carried out by the New Order administration. And we have the constitutional right to demand our rights: truth, justice, and peace, even to the grave. (*)
Source: http://www.vhrmedia.com/inggris/vhr-corner/artikel-detail.php?.g=corner&.s=artikel&.e=1
8 April 2008 - 18:3 WIB
Today exactly ten years ago, on March 13, 1998, several hordes of the coercive New Order apparatus slithered from one region to the next towards the densely populated area of Jakarta. They intended to arrest "dangerous" people who their leader considered to have the potential to cause the authoritarian New Order regime under Soeharto to crash. They were looking for Nezar Patria, Aan Rusdianto, Mugiyanto, and Petrus Bima Anugerah. Four people who they believed to live in the same place.
One day before, on March 12 1998, one of the hordes succeeded in executing their mission. That horde succeeded in kidnapping three "dangerous" people. These were Faisol Riza, Raharja Waluya Jati, and Herman Hendrawan. These three people were the underground leaders of an organization prohibited at that time, the Democratic People's Party (PRD). Riza, Jati, and Herman were kidnapped when they were about to have lunch around Jalan Diponegoro. Riza and Jati were kidnapped around Cipto Hospital (RSCM), while it has been certified that Herman was kidnapped around the Megaria complex.
After being locked up, interrogated, and tortured for almost a month in some mysterious place, Riza and Jati were sent home. Herman, on the other hand, was not. He has not returned home to Bangka until today, even when his beloved father passed away five years ago.
That Friday of March 13 1998, at 7.30 pm, was an unlucky day for me. As I entered the house we had only been renting for a week, something awkward happened. Nezar and Aan should have been home, because I asked them on the telephone to wait for me 20 minutes before and they had said "yes". But they both were not there. They had only left a glass of lemonade, which was still hot, behind. At that moment, I thought that surely they were just outside for a while.
I also sent a message to Nezar's pager "Nez, where are you? I wait at home, okay." That was the message I sent him via the operator. I sent that message twice, because the first message had not been answered. About five minutes later, I started getting all kinds of thoughts. I was thinking of worst case scenarios. Admittedly we were indeed being looked for at the time. We were alleged as the actors of the riot on July 27, 1996. This was the incident where the PDI (Democratic Party of Indonesia, the only official opposition party of that time) office on Jalan Diponegoro in Jakarta, was invaded by a large group of people with short hair cuts and hefty postures, causing hundreds of people to die and disappear.
Then two of my friends phoned me at home. They were both in a state of panic. One of them was crying leaving this message, "You guys please be careful, and don't let any of you get caught again." Rather than encouraging me, that message increased my suspicions that something really bad was waiting for me. I was reminded of tens of other friends from the PRD who had been sent to jail at that time, such as Budiman Sudjatmiko, Dita Sari, Petrus Harianto, and others.
And I was right. I went up to the window of the two storey house and moved the curtain aside to peep outside. My body suddenly went limp as I saw some people with sturdy postures standing down there in a line observing me intently. Then I tiptoed to the kitchen, contemplating to jump down and run away. But down there, tens of other people were standing lined up. My house had already been besieged. My body went even limper. I already imagined that my end was near.
With the only energy I had left in me, I reached out to the electric switch and turned off the light. Then, precisely at that moment, they pounded on the door. "Open the door! Open the door!" I opened the door, and about ten people entered the house. One of them was an old man wearing a peci (rimless cap), looking like a state official. He was very polite and relaxed. "Mas, please just follow them," he said. Two of the men were dressed in military uniforms and the rest were in civilian outfits.
After they messed up the house, they took me downstairs three minutes later. They put me onto a vehicle which had been waiting to bring us to a place which turned out to be the Duren Sawit Military Headquarters in East Jakarta. I was interrogated for half an hour before they took "us" to the East Jakarta Military District Command. I say "us" because I had a "companion" who was also arrested, called Jaka. Or at least that is how he introduced himself to me in front of the interrogators of the Military Headquarters.
In the end it was revealed to me that Jaka was a Special Forces officer, a member of the Mawar Team assigned to ensure that I would not be taken by other unit. After stopping for three minutes at the East Jakarta Military District Command, I was taken onto the vehicle again. This time, I was blindfolded. This is when the process of interrogation and the American military style torture started.
I was locked up, interrogated, and tortured from the evening of March 13 to the afternoon of March 15. I was blindfolded, while both of my hands and legs were tied up to a cot. I only wore my underwear. There was the sound of sirens roaring, the space was very cold and an there was an electrocution device which sounded like a whip. There was also horrifying torture equipment, and those kidnappers intentionally made us listen to the screams of other people who were being tortured. Such savage kidnappers they were. They made me listen to the voices of Nezar Patria and Aan Rusdianto who were being tortured near to where I was. I then realized that before I got arrested, Nezar and Aan had been already been kidnapped. My messages for Nezar, which I sent from my pager, were received by those brutal kidnappers.
After staying in GuantĂĄnamo Indonesia for two days, which we finally came to know as a base camp of the Special Forces in Cijantung, East Jakarta, we were handed over to the Polda Metrojaya of Jakarta (the District Police). I was detained along with Nezar and Aan in the Rutan Polda (District Police Detention Center) until our arrest was finally extended until June 6, 1998. We were released from prison because President Habibie canceled the Anti-subversion Act which was used as the grounds of our arrest at that time.
(I have released the chronological testimony on June 8, 1998 which can be downloaded at www.ikohi.blogspot.com)
My heart was pounding when I wrote down this story again. I try to fight against my trauma, although it is difficult. It is very difficult. I cannot forget it. I can only manage it and save this memory to transform it into positive energy, especially because the "mistake" I made in the past was to fight against a dictatorship, a "mistake" which until now I consider to have been the right thing to do. I feel proud of my past, also because in the present I am with those who became the eyewitnesses and martyrs of the more than three-decade long period of dictatorship. (I hope the Stockholm syndrome will always be far removed from my life).
It has been ten years after that incident. IKOHI (The Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared), the institution where I have been working to fulfill and continue this life, together with hundreds and maybe even thousands of people who are in the same boat, is now developing solidarity, cooperation, and strength.
But we realize that we need the support of society to be able to make enforced disappearances and kidnappings of the past become history. "Make disappearance a history." That's our slogan in the international movement against enforced disappearances. We want to make the practice of kidnapping and eliminating people a forbidden practice because it is identical with Hitler/Nazi, Pinochet, Videla/Junta, Soeharto/Orba and so forth. It is the measure for the level of civilization of a nation. And to reach that level, the first thing to do is to solve what has happened.
In period of 1997/1998, we have recorded 23 persons as victims of enforced disappearances conducted by the state apparatus. From that amount, one person was found dead (Leonardus Gilang), nine people were released by their kidnappers (Mugiyanto is one of them), while thirteen others are missing until now. The abovementioned case has been investigated by the National Commission on Human Rights based on Act No 26/2000 on a Human Rights Court and have been submitted to the Attorney General two years ago. At the present, the Attorney General has to immediately carry out the investigation especially since the Constitutional Court has told them so on February 21 2008.
This case has to be settled immediately, not because it is the only case of enforced disappearances nor is it the biggest one, but solely because the lawsuit of this 1997/1998 enforced disappearances case has shown progress and is ready to be taken to the Human Rights court. From thereon we will see how the State will bear responsibility for cases of enforced disappearances which have been occurring since the 30 September 1965 tragedy, the periods of martial law in Aceh and Papua, the mysterious murders (Petrus), and others.
It is also important to observe that cases of enforced disappearances have their own unique and specific characteristics. Torture is often mentioned as the mother of human rights violations because almost all grave human rights violations contain an element of torture. But it is in cases of enforced where all grave human rights violations come together. This means that enforced or involuntary disappearances contain elements of grave human rights violations such as torture, detention, and even murder.
Enforced disappearances are also specific because the families left behind are in a continuous state of uncertainty about the condition of the disappeared person. This state of uncertainty is in itself considered as emotional torture. Based on this continuous impact on the family, the United Nation mechanism UNWGEID has issued the requirements of urgent and prompt action, an emergency measure for the state to immediately undertake action whenever a case of enforced disappearance has occurred. In Indonesia, we have to wait for ten years, maybe even more. Millions of other families of the victims of 1965 cases have had to wait more than forty years now.
The families of the enforced disappeared also face other difficulties living in the society and country. To be stigmatized as separatist, communist, rebel or fundamentalist is a daily phenomenon they have to deal with. This stigma continues in the form of discrimination and isolation not only socially by the society but also structurally by the state through legal policies.
One day, a child of one of the victims of enforced disappearances experienced a problem at school. Fajar Merah was asked by his teacher why he filled in the name of his mother Dyah Sujirah in the column for his father's name. Fajar explained that he doesn't know his father. His mother has actually raised him all this time. His mother has become a father to him. He doesn't even know whether or not his father is still alive, because his mother also doesn't. He knows that his father is Wiji Thukul, but he doesn't know his father well since he and his father have been separated by the dictatorship since their last meeting in December 1997, when Fajar celebrated his third birthday. At that time, Thukul recorded Fajar's birthday with a handy cam. Nobody knows whether as we speak Thukul is playing his child's birthday video recording.
The family of Suyat (another victim of enforced disappearances) who lives in Gemolong, Sragen, has a story about hope. Since Suyat was kidnapped in early 1998, his family kept on hoping for him to be returned by his kidnappers, just like some other victims. They had already prepared a sheep to be slaughtered if that beautiful expectation would come true. However, year after year, the expectation did not yet materialize and the sheep was consumed by age, until finally it was sold because of financial difficulties. But that hope is still there. And a sheep will somehow be available somewhere to be slaughtered one day.
Waiting is a very boring thing to do. Waiting for certainty makes this already boring situation even more boring. Because of this that sort of situation turns into restlessness, and makes people want to give up. Waiting for certainty becomes waiting in uncertainty, especially when the waiting time continues to be stretched. This can become something deadly, something fatal.
IKOHI recorded that from the families whose members disappeared in the period of 1997/1998, four parents of victims passed away. They are the fathers of Yadin Muhidin, Herman Hendrawan, and Noval Alkatiri. They all passed away because they were ill, because they were killed by uncertainty. They passed away when the people they loved had not yet returned home to embrace them. Some other parents are also experiencing illnesses, which the doctor diagnosed as caused by the mental pressure they have been going through. They are psychosomatic, with various kinds of other illnesses. There are another ten, hundred, or even thousand victims and victims' families who experience the same thing.
There are many real problems which victims' families go through in their day to day lives as a result of losing their beloved. Those issues require handling of the state. Legally, the cases need to be investigated, researched, and those who are responsible have to be prosecuted by law and punished according to justice, whereas the victims and victims' families need obtain their rights to be restored. One kind of restoration which should be carried out by the state is to bring back the victims and their families to the same situation they were in before the incident happened.
Victims' families need to get complete answers from the state for these main questions:
"Where are the people we love?"
"How are their conditions?"
"We are ready to accept even the worst answer."
"If they are already dead, where are they buried?"
They will also request:
"Return them in the same condition you took them in!"
Parveena Ahangar, a mother whose son was kidnapped by the Indian military in Kashmir, shared her story with me.
"At one point, I was asked to meet with an Indian military officer who supervises Srinagar city where my son was kidnapped. In the meeting which was witnessed by some other families of victims, the officer said, "Please Mam, just stop talking about that incident. It is impossible to return your missing son. Here, we give you USD 100.000 as compensation money, so you can forget that incident, and you can live a normal life." Then I told that officer, ' Sir, what if I give you twice the amount of money you offer me, and then I just kill your child!"
Parveena wept because of holding back her anger when telling me her story almost three years ago. She now leads an organization for families of the enforced disappeared in Kashmir, India.
Yesterday as a closing to this reflection a friend of mine typed something in a Yahoo Messenger chat room: "One Soeharto is dead, and another thousand of Soehartos will emerge. But it is very difficult to replace one friend who was struggling with us but is still missing now." That friend, Wilson, is right, because a thousand Soehartos can be stopped by one fighting friend.
There is another quote which I recently found back. This quote is taken from the plea of Budiman Sudjatmiko, who was the Leader of the Democratic People's Party at the time, and was brought to justice by the New Order court in 1997. It was there that he stated, "I become the witness for the suffering of my people who are struggling, and I will take that testimony with me until they are free."
I trembled listening to that statement, because until today the people are not yet free and the same is true for 13 other victims of enforced disappearances, including Wiji Thukul, Herman Hendrawan, Suyat, Petrus Bimo Anugerah, and Yani Afri.
Suyatno, Suyat's older brother, a villager who works as a carpenter far away in Gemolong, Sragen always said, "If it wouldn't be for Suyat, there is no way that Gus Dur, Mega, and SBY would have become president."
When saying goodbye to Sipon, his beloved wife, Wiji Thukul told her, "Pon, I return to Jakarta because my friends are imprisoned."
Hmmmmm..... (Taking a deep breath)
It has been ten years since this incident happened. When I saw my child and the children of my friends playing together, I felt like time was running fast. But when I saw posters of the enforced disappeared posted in the IKOHI office and the faces of their families, Mami, Bu Nung, Mbak Pon, Pak Tomo, Bu Tomo, Bu Fatah, Bu Paniyem, Pak Paimin, Bu Zuniar, I felt that the time of torture runs very slow.
What is for sure is that we will never forget that in the history of this nation, we are the eyewitnesses of the cruel oppression carried out by the New Order administration. And we have the constitutional right to demand our rights: truth, justice, and peace, even to the grave. (*)
Source: http://www.vhrmedia.com/inggris/vhr-corner/artikel-detail.php?.g=corner&.s=artikel&.e=1
Monday, May 18, 2009
Perempuan-Perempuan Perkasa Pejuang HAM
Hampir sebulan yang lalu, Indonesia kedatangan 2 orang tamu istimewa dari Argentina. Mereka bukan pemain bintang sepak bola seperti Maradona dan Lionel Messi. Bukan pula pasangan populer Presiden Cristina Fernandez Kirchner dengan suaminya yang juga mantan presiden Nestor Kirchner. Dua tamu istimewa itu adalah Lydia Taty Almeida dan Aurora Morea. Mereka datang ke Indonesia dalam rangka peringatan Hari Kartini dan ulang tahun Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (Kontras).
Secara fisik, mereka adalah dua orang nenek berusia 80 tahunan. Tetapi hanya dari sorot mata dan bahasa tubuhnya, kita bisa membaca, mereka adalah perempuan-perempuan keras yang memiliki keyakinan kuat dalam hidupnya. Walaupun usia telah lanjut, masih terlihat sisa-sisa kegigihan dan keperkasaan mereka.
Dimulai oleh 14 orang ibu
Taty dan Aurora adalah anggota Las Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Las Madres). Las Madres, yang kalau diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia, kira-kira berarti “Ibu-Ibu Plaza de Mayo” adalah organisasi para ibu yang anaknya hilang diculik atau lenyap begitu saja, saat Argentina berada dibawah pemerintahan junta militer dari tahun 1976 sampai tahun 1983.
Pendirian organisasi ini diawali usaha ibu-ibu untuk mencari anak mereka yang hilang dengan mendatangi kantor polisi, militer, kantor menteri, dan bahkan geraja. Disitulah mereka bertemu dengan ibu yang lain yang juga mencari anggota keluarga mereka. Lalu, suatu saat, salah satu dari mereka, Azucena Villaflor de Devicenti, mengatakan kepada yang lain,
“Kalau kita melakukan hal ini sendiri-sendiri, kita tidak akan mendapatkan apa-apa. Mengapa kita tidak pergi ke Plaza de Mayo, dan bila kelompok kita membesar, pasti Videla akan mau menemui kita….”
Pada hari Kamis sore, tanggal 30 April 1977, 14 orang ibu berkumpul di pusat keramaian kota Buenos Aires, di Plaza de Mayo, di depan Casa Rosada (Rumah Pink), istana kepresidenan Argentina. Untuk menarik perhatian publik yang lalu lalang, keempat belas orang ibu itu berdiri, diam, dengan foto anak atau suami mereka yang hilang digantungkan di leher. Sebagai penutup kepala, mereka menggunakan kain putih bertuliskan nama anggota keluarga korban yang hilang, yang dipakai seperti kerudung.
Walaupun mereka adalah para perempuan, terutama ibu-ibu, yang sebenarnya sangat dihargai dalam budaya Argentina yang sangat taat pada ajaran Kristiani, tindakan ibu-ibu ini bukanlah tindakan yang aman. Junta militer rupanya sangat marah dengan tindakan ibu-ibu ini. Mereka tidak hanya menghina Ibu-Ibu Plaza de Mayo dengan sebutan Ibu-Ibu Gila di Plaza de Mayo (Las Locas de Plaza de Mayo), tetapi juga mengancam dan menteror mereka. Pernah beberapa kali mereka diseret ke dalam truk tentara dan ditahan selema beberapa hari di cantor polisi. Lebih dari itu, beberapa tokohnya juga dihilangkan setelah sebelumnya diculik dan disiksa.
Salah satunya adalah Azucena Villaflor de Devicenti yang diculik pada tanggal 10 Desember 1979. Pada tahun 2005, Tim Forensik Antropologi Argentina (EAAF) berhasil menemukan dan mengidentifikasi tulang belulang Azucena, dan menemukan adanya bukti forensik berupa benturan besar pada kerangka tersebut. Diperkirakan Azucena diculik, disiksa lalu dalam keadaan masih hidup dilemparkan ke laut dari atas pesawat terbang.
Taty Almeida bergabung dengan Las Madres karena anak laki-lakinya, Alejandro Martin Almeida dihilangkan oleh aparat intelijen militer pada tanggal 17 Juni 1975. Alejandro yang waktu itu berumur 20 tahun adalah seorang mahasiswa kedokteran. Sampai hari ini, Taty belum mendapatkan kabar dan menemukan jasad anaknya.
Sementara itu, Aurora Morea bergabung dengan Las Madres karena anak perempuan dan menantunya, Susana Perdini de Bronzal dan suaminya, diculik lalu dieksekusi. Susana yang waktu itu berusia 27 tahun adalah seorang arsitek yang aktif dalam kegiatan politik menentang junta militer. Dalam sebuah penyelidikan dan penggalian (exhumation) EAAF atas peristiwa tersebut, kerangka Susana bisa ditemukan dan diidentifikasi pada tahun 1999. (Laporan Tahunan EAAF, 2000)
Buah manis perjuangan
Perjuangan panjang Las Madres yang dilakukan di Argentina dan di luar negeri sejak tahun 1977, perlahan-lahan membawa perubahan dalam penegakan hukum dan hak asasi manusia di dunia internasional. Isu penghilangan paksa menjadi perhatian dunia, yang ditandai dengan dibentuknya Kelompok Kerja Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa untuk Penghilangan Paksa (UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances) pada tahun 1980. Kelompok Kerja ini menjadi mekanisme khusus untuk menjembatani korban dan pemerintah dalam usaha pencarian korban penghilangan paksa. Lalu pada tahun 1992, PBB mengesahkan Deklarasi PBB untuk Perlindungan Semua Orang dari Penghilangan Paksa.
Selanjutnya, perjuangan Las Madres bersama organisasi korban, termasuk Kontras dan Ikohi, dan NGO HAM Internasional lainnya juga berhasil mendorong PBB mengesahkan sebuah instrumen internasional yang secara hukum mengikat dalam bentuk Konvensi Internasional untuk Perlindungan Semua Orang Dari Penghilangan Paksa (Konvensi Anti Penghilangan Paksa) pada tahun 2006. Bahkan, Argentina merupakan negara kedua (dari 10 negara) yang sudah meratifikasi Konvensi tersebut pada tahun 2007.
Tidak hanya dalam tataran aturan yang normatif, perjuangan Las Madres juga menjadi salah satu alasan presiden baru paska junta militer di Argentina, Raul Alfonsin membentuk Komisi Nasional untuk Orang Hilang (CONADEP). Setelah bekerja selama satu tahun, CONADEP berhasil melakukan penyelidikan kasus penghilangan paksa pada masa junta militer 1976 – 1983 dan mengeluarkan laporan yang sangat dahsyat yang berjudul Nunca Mas, yang berarti “Jangan Lagi” atau “Cukup”.
Nunca Mas berhasil mengungkap pola penghilangan paksa, tempat penyekapan, metode penyiksaan, identitas korban dan penanggung jawab. Dalam jangka waktu kerja yang cuma satu tahun, CONADEP berhasil mengidentifikasi 8000 korban, dari 30.000 yang mereka yakini ada. Nunca Mas ini kemudian menjadi acuan bagi proses pengadilan untuk para junta militer dan mereka yang bertanggung jawab pada masa junta militer (Dirty War) ini berkuasa. Skema pemulihan (reparasi) korban juga tengah dijalankan di Argentina dengan acuan laporan CONADEP ini.
Las Madres Indonesia, ibu-ibu pejuang HAM
Pada masa kini, Indonesia juga tidak kekurangan perempuan-perempuan seperti ibu-ibu anggota Las Madres. Ketika rentetan peristiwa pelanggaran HAM terjadi dalam rentang 1998 – 1999, seperti peristiwa penculikan aktifis prodemokrasi, peristiwa kekerasan Mei, peristiwa Trisakti serta Semanggi I dan Semanggi II, Las Madres mulai berkecambah di Indonesia.
Dimulai pada akhir bulan Maret 1998, beberapa orang tua mulai resah, karena anak-anak mereka dikabarkan hilang diculik. Diantara mereka adalah orang tua Faisol Riza, Raharja Waluya Jati, Mugiyanto, Nezar Patria, Suyat, Petrus Bima Anugerah, Andi Arief, Herman Hendrawan dan istri Wiji Thukul. Lalu menyusul orang tua Yani Afri, Noval Alkatiri, Yadin Muhidin dan Ucok Siahaan. Keresahan itu mereka salurkan dengan melapor ke Komisi untuk Orang Hilang dan Korban Tindak Kekerasan (Kontras) yang waktu itu dipimpin Munir.
Dari sinilah mereka mulai mendatangi Komnas HAM, Polda Metrojaya, Mabes Polri, Puspom ABRI, Gedung DPR, Kejaksaan Agung dan bahkan Mabes TNI di Cilangkap hanya untuk menyampaikan satu pertanyaan, “Dimana anak-anak kami?”
Dalam proses perjuangan dan pencarian ini, para ibu adalah mereka yang paling gigih dan berani. Pernah suatu saat di tahun 1999, di depan gedung DPR di Senayan dan di depan kantor Departemen Pertahanan, para ibu ini diusir oleh tentara dengan mengokang senjata. Ibu-ibu ini pun bergeming. Mungkin seperti yang juga dikatakan oleh Margaret Wakeley tentang Las Madres, “As long as mothers give birth to children, they will give birth to courage”.
Ketika berada di Indonesia, Las Madres selalu menyampaikan pesannya kepada para ibu yang anaknya hilang atau meninggal sebagai korban pelanggaran HAM di Indonesia. “Terus berjuang, jangan pernah menyerah, jangan pernah lupa!”. Sama dengan Las Madres, perjuangan yang dilakukan para keluarga korban di Indonesia juga melampaui kepentingan mereka sendiri, tetapi demi masa depan negeri Indonesia. “Supaya tidak terulang lagi”. Begitu mereka sering berucap.
Seruan “jangan pernah lupa” menjadi sangat penting dan relevan dalam konteks pemilihan presiden yang akan datang. Penyelidikan oleh lembaga resmi negara, Komnas HAM, menemukan adanya dugaan bahwa para aktifis mahasiswa dan prodemokrasi, ditembak dan hilang karena tindakan aparat militer yang pimpinannya kini menjadi capres atau cawapres. Hanya ketika mereka sudah mempertanggungjawabkan tindakan mereka di masa lalu, mereka berhak menjadi calon pemimpin negeri ini.
Mengenai prinsip ini, Las Madres juga memberi inspirasi, “human errors can be pardoned; what is beyond the frontiers of humanity cannot”. Kekhilafan manusia bisa dimaafkan, tetapi apa yang melampaui batas-batas kemanusiaan, tentu tidak bisa.
Pernah dimuat di www.primaironline.com
Monday, April 27, 2009
Sebuah Kesaksian
Mugiyanto, Aan Rusdianto dan Nezar memberikan kesaksian publik di YLBHI, Jakarta Juni 1998
Saya akan menyampaikan sebuah kesaksian atas apa yang terjadi pada diri saya bersama Nezar Patria dan Aan Rusdianto pada hari Jumat malam tanggal 13 Maret 1998. Peristiwa ini ternyata menjadi bagian dari sebuah rangkaian panjang peristiwa penculikan dan penghilangan aktifis-aktifis politik, yang membuat wajah rejim orde baru semakin tidak populer di mata rakyat dan dunia internasional. Hal ini merupakan sebuah bukti bahwa negara tidak lagi mampu menjamin keselamatan warganya, yang pada akhirnya semakin mempertebal rasa ketidakpercayaan rakyat pada pemerintah yang berkuasa hingga menyebabkan keruntuhannya.
Nama saya Mugiyanto. Saya lahir pada tanggal 2 November 1973 di Jepara. Saat ini saya adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Sastra Inggris UGM Yogyakarta. Sejak masuk kuliah di UGM pada tahun 1992 kesadaran politik saya mulai tumbuh. Hal ini memang tak lepas dari lingkungan saya di kampus, di mana mahasiswa sering melakukan diskusi-diskusi kritis baik masalah ekonomi, sosial, maupun politik. Aksi-aksi demonstrasi juga sering dilakukan dengan isu-isu serupa. Akses untuk membaca buku-buku baru dan kritis juga terbuka lebar bagi saya. Di samping itu kadang-kadang saya juga melakukan eksposure. Mulai dari situlah kepala saya seolah dibenturkan, mata dan telinga saya dibukakan pada realita-realita kehidupan sosial, ekonomi dan politik yang timpang yang tidak pernah saya sadari sebelumnya. Hingga akhirnya saya terpanggil, hati nurani saya terdorong untuk melakukan suatu tindakan. Dan akhirnya saya bergabung dengan kawan-kawan SMID di Yogyakarta. Namun untuk itu semua, saya harus mengalami suatu peristiwa sebagai sebuah resiko yang tak akan pernah bisa saya lupakan dalam hidup saya. Berikut inilah kesaksian saya atas peristiwa tersebut.
Di Rumah; Terjebak
Pada hari Rabu, 13 Maret 1998, sekitar pukul 19.00 dari Gramedia Matraman saya menghubungi rumah kontrakan (saat diculik saya bersama Nezar Patria, Aan Rusdianto dan Bimo Petrus tinggal di Rusun Klender Blok 37 No. 7 lantai II, Jakarta Timur) melalui telepon dan diterima Nezar Patria. Setelah tahu bahwa ia ada di rumah, saya bilang pada Nezar untuk menunggu dirumah karena saya membawa makan malam dan kebetulan ia belum makan. Saya bilang pada Nezar bahwa dalam satu jam saya akan sampai di rumah.
Pukul 20.15 saya turun dari kendaraan angkutan umum kemudian berjalan menuju rumah. Di sekitar rumah tak ada yang mencurigakan, kecuali adanya sekelompok ibu-ibu yang duduk-duduk di tangga naik ke kontrakan. Saya minta permisi pada ibu-ibu ini untuk lewat. Sesampai di depan pintu, saya ketok pintu berkali-kali, namun tak ada jawaban dari dalam. Saya tengok ke arah ibu-ibu tadi, namun mereka kemudian bubar secara serempak. Kemudian saya ketok pintu beberapa kali lagi dan yang keluar adalah tetangga, yang tinggal tepat berhadapan dengan kontrakan kami. Ia (seorang perempuan masih muda) bilang pada saya, "Orangnya sedang keluar, Mas. Sebentar lagi katanya akan balik". Kemudian saya cari kunci di kantong celana, dan menemukannya. Begitu saya buka pintu, ruangan gelap. Semua lampu padam kecuali lampu kamar. Lampu saya nyalakan dan saya melihat banyak keanehan. Pertama, saya lihat komputer laptop tidak ada, juga beberapa tas berisi buku-buku dan barang cetakan lain yang biasanya berserakan di lantai. Gagang telepon juga tidak berada di tempatnya. Di dapur saya juga dapatkan seplastik buah jeruk untuk minuman, dan tuangan air dalam gelas yang masih hangat. Saya jadi penasaran dan agak panik.
Saya memastikan sesuatu telah terjadi. Kemudian memikirkan beberapa kemungkinan; pertama, Nezar sedang melakukan evakuasi karena sesuatu terjadi pada kawan yang lain sebagaimana pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya. Kedua, Nezar diculik dari rumah. Karena menganggap kemungkinan pertama lebih besar --berdasarkan pengalaman-pengalaman sebelumnya-- saya pager Nezar untuk menghubungi rumah. Setelah beberapa saat saya menunggu, telepon berdering tiga kali, namun dari kawan yang lain. Kepada mereka saya jelaskan apa yang terjadi. Telepon dari Nezar yang saya tunggu-tunggu tidak datang juga. Akhirnya saya segera masukkan catatan-catatan penting ke dalam tas untuk pergi. Kemudian saya tengok ke luar melalui jendela. Di sana ada beberapa orang berbadan besar mengawasi saya. Saya jadi panik. Sesaat setelah itu, sebelum saya keluar, pintu sudah diketuk. Karena tak ada alternatif untuk lolos, saya buka pintu dan ada sekitar 10 orang masuk. Empat orang diantaranya berpakaian seragan hijau dan membawa HT, dan yang lainnya berpakaian preman termasuk dua orang tua berpeci yang saya kira adalah perangkat kelurahan. Setelah memeriksa saya, mereka (4 orang berpakaian termasuk bapak tua berpeci) menuntun saya keluar menuju kendaraan L300 yang disediakannya. Saya duduk di belakang sopir diapit oleh mereka. Sekitar 15 menit kemudian sampai di Koramil Duren Sawit.
Di Koramil; Seseorang Menangkapkan Diri
Ada satu kejadian janggal saat saya berada di Koramil ini. Saat itu saya sedang ditanyai (bukan interogasi). Namun tiba-tiba saja ada orang lain yang juga ditanyai oleh mereka. Ia mengaku bernama Jaka, memakai topi dan badannya tidak terlalu besar namun kekar. Tingginya sekitar 165 cm. Ia mengaku tinggal di dekat LP Cipinang dan ikut ditangkap bersama saya saat sedang main di tempat kawannya di dekat rumah kontrakan saya. Mendengar jawabannya itu, saya heran karena setahu saya yang ditangkap dari rumah saat itu cuma saya.
Ia lebih banyak ditanya dari pada saya. Kemudian dia bilang pada para tentara ini bahwa ia tidak berhak ditangkap karena sedang main dan tidak kenal dengan saya. Dan kalau tetap ditangkap ia akan mendatangkan kakaknya yang perwira tinggi ABRI. Mereka malah marah dan menendangi si Jaka ini. Pada saat yang sama si Jaka menerima telepon melalui mobile phone dari kakaknya yang pimpinan ABRI tersebut dan ia berbicara di depan para tentara ini. Di Koramil ini hanya makan waktu sekitar 15 menit. Kami kemudian di naikkan kendaraan bak terbuka Patroli Polisi Militer. Duduk di kursi bak mobil tersebut dengan diborgol. Empat orang Polisi Militer berseragam lengkap mengapit kami masing-masing disebelah kiri dan kanan.
Di Kodim; Saya Direbut
Sekitar 20 menit kemudian kami sampai di Kodim Jakarta Timur. Di depan tangga pintu Kodim tampak mobil mewah BMW (saya lupa warnanya) parkir dan di sampingnya ada seorang yang berpakaian batik, berbadan tegap dan sangat gagah, kulit putih berdiri ditemani 2 orang berpakaian dinas militer. Orang-orang ini nampak sedang menunggu kami, sehingga begitu kami sampai, seorang yang berpakaian batik berteriak pada anggota PM yang membawa kami, "Cepat turunkan mereka!" Namun anggota PM yang membawa kami tak juga menuruti perintahnya. Kami masih tetap di atas kendaraan bak terbuka tersebut. Orang berbaju batik ini berteriak lagi, "Kalian menghormati saya tidak! Ayo segera turunkan mereka!" Baru setelah berulang kali orang berbaju batik berteriak demikian, borgol kami dibuka dan kami diturunkan dari kendaraan. Kami lalu dibawa ke ruang tamu Kodim. Kami tidak sempat ditanyai apa-apa. Sekitar lima menit kemudian, kami disuruh keluar. Saat keluar ini si Jaka menggandeng saya sambil membisiki saya, "Mugi, kamu selamat. Kamu selamat. Kita pulang ke rumahku". Saya sempat berharap apa yang dikatakan si Jaka benar walau saya yakin hal itu nggak mungkin. Kemudian saya disuruh masuk ke dalam mobil BMW yang sudah menunggu. Di dalamnya saya sempat melihat banyak map berserakan. Sepuluh detik di dalam BMW tadi, lalu saya di suruh keluar lagi untuk pindah ke kendaraan lain. Saya dituntun menuju ke mobil kijang yang parkir di agak jauh dari BMW tadi. Saya di suruh masuk ke dalam mobil kijang tersebur kemudian masuk juga lima orang yang duduk mengapit saya. Mulai saat inilah saya sadar sepenuh-penuhnya bahwa jiwa saya benar-benar terancam.
Sebelum kendaraan dijalankan, mereka menyuruh saya buka baju, kemudian mereka menutupkannya pada mata saya. Di dalam kendaraan mereka tidak banyak tanya tentang aktifitas saya, namun mereka lebih banyak berbicara tentang mereka sendiri. Mereka bilang bahwa mereka adalah kelompok mafia yang bisa melakukan apa saja, pada siapa, dan untuk siapa saja asalkan ada uang. Mereka memegang pistol yang kadang mengancamkannya pada saya dan HT yang selalu digunakannya untuk berkomunikasi dengan yang lain. Sandi-sandi yang mereka sebut adalah Elang, Harimau dan Rajawali. Perjalanan yang kami lalui sepertinya cukup jauh, namun nampaknya tidak melewati jalan tol. Mereka kelihatannya juga tidak hafal dengan betul rute ke tujuan sehingga kadang mereka berdebat. Bahkan sempat balik lagi karena nyasar. Kadang juga terjebak kemacetan. Musik dalam kendaraan tidak dibunyikan dengan keras, hingga saya sempat dengar suara lalu lintas yang cukup padat.
Di Tempat "X" (Penyiksaan)
Sekitar satu jam kemudian kendaraan berhenti. Saya disuruh turun dan berjalan dituntun oleh mereka. Sekitar10 meter kemudian saya disuruh berhenti. Kemudian saya disuruh buka sepatu dan celana, hingga tinggal celana dalam yang saya pakai. Udaranya sangat dingin seperti di luar ruangan dan sampai saat itu saya memang belum merasa telah memasuki ruangan. Kemudian saya mulai mendengan suara orang berbisik-bisik diselingi suara-suara seperti cambuk dan raungan alarm seperti alarm mobil. Kemudian saya dipukul di perut berkali-kali dan pada muka sampai saya terjatuh. Kemudian ditidurkan telentang di atas tempat tidur lipat dari terpal. Ke dua kaki dan tangan saya diikatkan pada tempat tidur. Saat itulah saya mulai diinterogasi dengan cara disetrum dengan alat setrum yang suaranya seperti cambuk. Penyetruman ini dilakukan pada seluruh bagian kaki saya, terutama pada bagian sendi lutut. Interogasi pertama yang mereka ajukan adalah mengenai identitas Nezar, kemudian mengenai Aan. Setelah itu mereka berganti menginterogasi Nezar dan kemudian Aan. Saat itulah, ketika saya mendengat jeritan dan suara Nezar dan Aan yang disetrum dan di pukul, saya baru tahu bahwa di situ sudah ada Nezar dan Aan.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan selanjutnya adalah mengenai keterlibatan saya dalam kerja dan struktur organisasi PRD, nama Mirah Mahardika sebagai koordinator KPP-PRD, dan terutama tentang posisi Andi Arief. Setelah disetrum berkali-kali saya menjawabnya dengan jawaban bahwa saya baru saja di Jakarta sehingga saya tidak tahu banyak tentang hal-hal tersebut. Juga bahwa selama ini kalau ketemu yang lain kami melalui seorang kawan yaitu Bimo Petrus jadi saya tidak tahu nama dan posisi kawan-kawan yang lain. Kemudian mereka mengejar saya dengan pertanyaan-pertanyaan tentang Andi Arief dan Bimo Petrus, lagi; dengan setruman berkali-kali. Mengenai Andi Arief, saya menjawab bahwa setelah 27 Juli 1996 dan ia lulus dari UGM saya jarang ketemu dia. Namun karena rumahnya di Lampung, saya bilang bahwa ia di Lampung sebagaimana kawan-kawan bilang pada saya. Namun mereka tidak percaya dengan berkata, "Dia tidak ada di sana. Berapa sih luasnya Lampung. Saya telah mencarinya di setiap jengkal tanah di Lampung". Mereka terus dan tetap memaksa saya untuk mengatakan tentang di mana dan bagaimana menangkap Andi Arief, namun saya menjawabnya dengan jawaban yang sama. Untuk hal itu mereka menggunakan cara-cara kekerasan dengan cara menyetrum dan juga dengan cara halus dengan merayu saya. Jawaban saya tetap sama. Pertanyaan tentang hal ini terus diberikannya sampai hari ke dua. Merekapun akhirnya menyerah --mungkin percaya. Kemudian dengan passport saya yang mereka dapatkan, mereka memaksa saya untuk mengakui bahwa saya adalah pengurus PRD, lalu mereka bertanya tentang kerja internasional PRD dan donator-donatornya.
Pada hari kedua sore hari, saya mendengar mereka terburu-buru memindahkan kursi-kursi yang ada di ruangan tersebut. Nampaknya mereka merapikan ruangan. Beberapa saat lama setelah itu datang beberapa orang yang kemudian berbicara dengan kami. Tepatnya diskusi masalah program-program PRD khususnya masalah Timor Timur, Aceh dan Irian Barat, serta situasi politik sekarang. Hari kedua ini, penyiksaan fisik pada saya sudah tidak banyak, namun mereka hanya menakut-nakuti.
Selama dua hari di tempat ini saya sempat keluar 3 kali, yaitu 2 kali kencing dan sekali saat difoto. Tempat kencing (toilet --saya tahu karena sempat meraba-raba saat ambil air) jauhnya kira-kira 25 meter dari tempat interogasi. Untuk menuju ke tempat ini saya harus berjalan dituntun oleh dua orang melalui koridor berlantai halus. Saat difoto dengan polaroid, tempat yang dipakai adalah juga di WC yang saya pakai untuk kencing berdasarkan arah dan jarak yang saya tempuh. Saat diambil foto saya ini, tutup mata saya dibuka, namun seorang yang mengambil photo saya memakai penutup kepala.
Posisi saya juga selalu berada di atas tempat tidur lipat ini namun siang hari pertama saya boleh ganti posisi miring dan ikatan hanya tinggal pada tangan kiri saja. Sehingga kadang-kadang mereka membolehkan saya mengambil posisi duduk, terutama saat makan pada pagi, siang dan malam hari. Mengenai makan yang saya dapatkan, memang cukup enak dan bergizi (nasi padang) namun saya tidak pernah habis karena bibir saya yang pecah karena pukulan mereka.
Selama dua hari dua malam itu pula, saya merasa bahwa saya tidak pernah dipindahkan dari tempat ini. Dan saya selalu berada satu tempat dengan Aan dan Nezar karena saya selalu bisa mendengar suara mereka di sebelah saya. Namun kadang-kadang mereka menjauhkan posisi diantara kami. Suara semacam alarm juga selalu meraung-raung di dalam ruangan bersama suara alat setrum yang seperti suara cambuk dan getaran-getaran kuat. Suara tersebut berhenti hanya pada saat tak ada interogasi pada kami, yang saya rasa waktunya adalah setelah tengah malam setelah mereka menyuruh kami tidur untuk beristirahat.
Di Sebuah Tempat di Lantai 2; Tutup Mata Saya Dibuka untuk Interogasi Sekitar pukul 13.00 hari Minggu, 15 Maret 1998 saya disuruh pakai baju dan sepatu lalu diborgol lagi. Dengan mata tetap tertutup, saya kemudian dibawa naik kendaraan. Satu jam kemudian kendaraan berhenti, dan saya disuruh turun. Lalu dituntun memasuki sebuah gedung. Di dalam gedung saat menaiki tangga, saya sempat mendengar suara perempuan yang sepertinya ibu yang suka kerja di dapur. Kemudian berhenti, tutup mata saya dibuka, dan ternyata saya berada di sebuah ruangan di lantai dua. Saya lihat-lihat ruangan itu sukup luas dan disekat-sekat. Ruangan di lantai dua tersebut menghadap halaman yang cukup luas dan sekitar 300 meter di kejauhan terdapat jalan raya. Dalam ruangan itu tergantung sebuah kalender UKI Jakarta. Sebelum diinterogasi, saya disuruh makan dulu dan borgol saya dilepas. Interogator berjumlah dua orang yang didampingi sekitar 5 orang. Juga difoto dan di shoot dengan kamera video. Semua interogator tidak ada yang mukanya tertutup kecuali seorang yang membawa handycam yang menutup mukanya dengan koran. Interogasi ini berjalan sekitar 30 menit.
Di Polda Metro Jaya; Diisolasi
Setelah interogasi selesai, mata saya ditutup lagi. Kemudian dibawa turun dan diborgol bersama orang lain yang ternyata adalah Aan. Kemudian naik kendaraan bersama Aan dan Nezar. Dari suaranya, di dalam kendaraan terdengar ada sekitar 5 orang. Dalam kendaraan tersebut mereka menteror kami dengan bilang pada kami untuk berjanji tidak berbohong kalau diinterogasi nanti dengan ancaman pistol yang ditempelkan di kepala saya. Mereka juga menyuruh kami agar berdoa dan meninggalkan pesan terakhir untuk orang tua kami. Sekitar satu jam kemudian kendaraan berhenti. Lalu turun, tutup mata dan borgol dibuka, dan ternyata kami sudah berada di Polda Metro Jaya. Saat itu waktu menunjukkan sekitar pukul empat. Kemudian kami langsung diperiksa sampai pukul sembilan malam, tanpa pengacara. Dari pemeriksaan tersebut saya tahu bahwa saya diduga melakukan tindak pidana subversi. Setelah pemeriksaan selesai kami langsung dimasukkan ke dalam sel isolasi masing-masing satu orang. Pada dua bulan pertama kami bahkan tak diperbolehkan mengikuti kegiatan senam tiap hari Rabu dan Jumat, demikian juga Sholat Jumat. Baru satu bulan terakhir kami sudah diijinkan mengikuti kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut. Pada hari Minggu tanggal 17 Mei 1998 saya bersama Nezar dan Aan diperiksa oleh Puspom ABRI sebagai saksi atas kasus penculikan yang terjadi pada kami. Setelah delapan puluh tiga hari mendekam di tahanan isolasi ini, saat kami bersiap-siap untuk menghadapi sidang pengadilan kasus politik pertama "Era Reformasi", tiba-tiba pada hari Jumat tanggal 5 Juni 1998 kami disuruh menandatangani Surat Perintah Penangguhan Penahanan dari Polda Metro Jaya. Mulai saat itulah, kira-kira pukul 14.00 kami kembali menghirup udara "kebebasan". Namun saat menulis kesaksian ini saya masih ragu akan "kebebasan" tersebut mengingat perkembangan kehidupan politik nasional yang masih belum menentu, khususnya pengalaman pribadi saya dan juga kawan-kawan korban penculikan yang lain.
Jakarta, 8 Juni 1998
M u g i y a n t o
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Indonesia is Ready and Should Ratify the ICC
Indonesia is ready and should ratify the ICC
Mugiyanto , Jakarta | Fri, 04/10/2009 1:39 PM | Opinion
Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana wrote an interesting article on April 2, on whether Indonesia should ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The professor of law's position is clear, he is against the ratification.
The article is interesting, as Indonesia is now in the process of ratifying the ICC, and due to the controversy on the issuing by the ICC of an arrest warrant against Sudan President Omar al Bahsir.
In an article, "Should RI ratify ICC Statute?" Prof. Juwana argues that Indonesia should not ratify the Rome Statute. First of all, Prof. Juwana said Indonesia did not need to ratify the ICC because the country had promulgated the Human Rights Court Law (Law No. 26/2000), which had been able to bring to court three human rights abuse cases (the cases of Timor Timur 1999, Tanjung Priok 1984 and Abepura 2001).
He pointed out the reforms within the Indonesian Military (TNI), that the TNI was no longer involved in politics and made reports about respecting human rights.
Prof. Juwana proposed three conditions in order for Indonesia to ratify the Rome Statute; the need of the international community to treat all those who commit international crimes the same; that countries like the United States should not pursue impunity for their soldiers who commit international crimes; and that Non-Surrender Agreements (NSA) should not be imposed by other countries.
There is nothing wrong with these prerequisites. They are exactly the reasons why the ICC was established as a permanent Court, to complement existing ad hoc international courts such as the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Tokyo Tribunal and the International Criminal Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (ICTY and the ICTR) which are criticized more as political Courts.
What is more important to note, however, is that in order to make the ICC treat all countries equally, and not be politicized nor target only less developed or powerful states, Indonesia, as well as the states he specifically mentioned, the United States and Israel, should ratify the ICC.
Not ratifying the ICC with the argument that other big countries alleged to have committed international crimes have not ratified the ICC either, is like looking for justification to committing similar crimes.
Indonesia, as one of the world's largest democracies, is right in leading the move toward getting big and powerful countries onboard the international justice regime.
With the arguments above, this writer is convinced Indonesia is ready and should ratify the ICC without delay.
The ratification of the ICC by Indonesia will not merely improve its image with respect to human rights and provide only a symbolic significance, as Prof. Juwana said.
Much more than that, the ratification of the ICC will make sure that Indonesian citizens are protected from any possible acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
It will also make Indonesia able to prevent such crimes happening in the future, as well as to main-tain peace in the region and in the world. Moreover, it will give Indone-sia equal footing with other countries that committed themselves earlier to the order of international justice.
It is not only that the ratification of the ICC has been mandated by Presidential Decree No. 20, 2004 in the National Plan for Action on Human Rights (RANHAM).
The Indonesian Civil Society Coalition for the International Criminal Court (The Coalition), that has been working in parallel with the government on the process of ratifying the ICC could only list the advantages of the ratification and disadvantages of not ratifying the ICC.
Some of the principle advantages of the ratification are that it will give protection to citizens, including the Indonesian peace keeping force; it will enable Indonesia to play a bigger role in the international justice system; accelerate legal reform; improve human rights protection and many other benefits (Academic Paper of the Coalition, 2008).
However, some substantive issues are still "burning", and, accordingly, still need further discussion to resolve, such as the following:
First, some still think the ICC will disrupt national sovereignty. Based on the preamble of the Rome Statute, the ICC is complementary to national judiciary (the complementary principle). Article 17 (1) of the Rome Statute on the inadmissibility of the case guarantees this principle.
It is mentioned there that the ICC cannot intervene in criminal cases in national courts when a state is performing an investigation or prosecution, and if the case has been settled by a proper and fair court.
Based on this provision, the ICC is actually aimed at making the national criminal judiciary of a state run more effectively.
Thereby, the ICC will neither intervene in nor reduce the sovereignty of the legal system of Indonesia. National legal mechanisms remain the main avenue to prosecute crime.
Second, on the principle of nonretroactivity, some still think that alleged perpetrators of crimes which happened before the ICC comes into force will be brought before the court.
Article 24 of the Rome Statute states that nobody will be held responsible in term of penal law for things done before the Statute is put into effect. This provision shows that the Statute of Rome does not prevail retroactively, and that it holds dear the principle of legality as a cardinal principle in criminal law.
The writer is chairman of the Association of Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (Ikohi)
The article was published by the Jakarta Post, April 10, 2009 (http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/04/10/indonesia-ready-and-should-ratify-icc.html)
Mugiyanto , Jakarta | Fri, 04/10/2009 1:39 PM | Opinion
Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana wrote an interesting article on April 2, on whether Indonesia should ratify the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The professor of law's position is clear, he is against the ratification.
The article is interesting, as Indonesia is now in the process of ratifying the ICC, and due to the controversy on the issuing by the ICC of an arrest warrant against Sudan President Omar al Bahsir.
In an article, "Should RI ratify ICC Statute?" Prof. Juwana argues that Indonesia should not ratify the Rome Statute. First of all, Prof. Juwana said Indonesia did not need to ratify the ICC because the country had promulgated the Human Rights Court Law (Law No. 26/2000), which had been able to bring to court three human rights abuse cases (the cases of Timor Timur 1999, Tanjung Priok 1984 and Abepura 2001).
He pointed out the reforms within the Indonesian Military (TNI), that the TNI was no longer involved in politics and made reports about respecting human rights.
Prof. Juwana proposed three conditions in order for Indonesia to ratify the Rome Statute; the need of the international community to treat all those who commit international crimes the same; that countries like the United States should not pursue impunity for their soldiers who commit international crimes; and that Non-Surrender Agreements (NSA) should not be imposed by other countries.
There is nothing wrong with these prerequisites. They are exactly the reasons why the ICC was established as a permanent Court, to complement existing ad hoc international courts such as the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Tokyo Tribunal and the International Criminal Tribunals for former Yugoslavia and Rwanda (ICTY and the ICTR) which are criticized more as political Courts.
What is more important to note, however, is that in order to make the ICC treat all countries equally, and not be politicized nor target only less developed or powerful states, Indonesia, as well as the states he specifically mentioned, the United States and Israel, should ratify the ICC.
Not ratifying the ICC with the argument that other big countries alleged to have committed international crimes have not ratified the ICC either, is like looking for justification to committing similar crimes.
Indonesia, as one of the world's largest democracies, is right in leading the move toward getting big and powerful countries onboard the international justice regime.
With the arguments above, this writer is convinced Indonesia is ready and should ratify the ICC without delay.
The ratification of the ICC by Indonesia will not merely improve its image with respect to human rights and provide only a symbolic significance, as Prof. Juwana said.
Much more than that, the ratification of the ICC will make sure that Indonesian citizens are protected from any possible acts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
It will also make Indonesia able to prevent such crimes happening in the future, as well as to main-tain peace in the region and in the world. Moreover, it will give Indone-sia equal footing with other countries that committed themselves earlier to the order of international justice.
It is not only that the ratification of the ICC has been mandated by Presidential Decree No. 20, 2004 in the National Plan for Action on Human Rights (RANHAM).
The Indonesian Civil Society Coalition for the International Criminal Court (The Coalition), that has been working in parallel with the government on the process of ratifying the ICC could only list the advantages of the ratification and disadvantages of not ratifying the ICC.
Some of the principle advantages of the ratification are that it will give protection to citizens, including the Indonesian peace keeping force; it will enable Indonesia to play a bigger role in the international justice system; accelerate legal reform; improve human rights protection and many other benefits (Academic Paper of the Coalition, 2008).
However, some substantive issues are still "burning", and, accordingly, still need further discussion to resolve, such as the following:
First, some still think the ICC will disrupt national sovereignty. Based on the preamble of the Rome Statute, the ICC is complementary to national judiciary (the complementary principle). Article 17 (1) of the Rome Statute on the inadmissibility of the case guarantees this principle.
It is mentioned there that the ICC cannot intervene in criminal cases in national courts when a state is performing an investigation or prosecution, and if the case has been settled by a proper and fair court.
Based on this provision, the ICC is actually aimed at making the national criminal judiciary of a state run more effectively.
Thereby, the ICC will neither intervene in nor reduce the sovereignty of the legal system of Indonesia. National legal mechanisms remain the main avenue to prosecute crime.
Second, on the principle of nonretroactivity, some still think that alleged perpetrators of crimes which happened before the ICC comes into force will be brought before the court.
Article 24 of the Rome Statute states that nobody will be held responsible in term of penal law for things done before the Statute is put into effect. This provision shows that the Statute of Rome does not prevail retroactively, and that it holds dear the principle of legality as a cardinal principle in criminal law.
The writer is chairman of the Association of Families of Victims of Involuntary Disappearance (Ikohi)
The article was published by the Jakarta Post, April 10, 2009 (http://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2009/04/10/indonesia-ready-and-should-ratify-icc.html)
Friday, March 06, 2009
Oral Statement, General Segment, 10th Sessions of UN Human Rights Council, Geneva
On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, Mugiyanto on his personal capacity was assigned to make an intervention representing civil society, at the General Segment of the 10th Sessions of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The statement he made was on disappearances in Asia, and the importance of the ratification of the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2006.
Below is the statement, which can also be seen at the website of the UN Human Rights Council at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/
10th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (2-27 March 2009)
General Segment
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Oral Statement delivered by a civil society representative, Mr. Mugiyanto
Your Excellency Mr President, Distinguished Delegates and NGO colleagues,
First, let me thank you Mr President for allowing me to speak before this Council as a human rights defender and add my perspective to your work.
My name is Mugiyanto. I have been working for the victims of enforced disappearances in Indonesia (1) for the last 11 years. Since 2003, I have been working as the chairperson of the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)(2) , based in the Philippines. My activities as a human rights defender are based on my own experience as a victim of enforced disappearance 11 years ago – I was fortunate enough to surface again. Because of my work as a student activist, in March 1998, I was held incommunicado, interrogated and tortured.
Mr President,
I would like to take this opportunity to call for your sincere support for the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances, which was adopted by this Human Rights Council at its first session in June 2006. It should be an urgent task for this Council to work towards the effective implementation of the Convention as an instrument for protecting people from enforced disappearances, revealing the truth, delivering justice and providing reparation for the victims and their relatives.
However, we regret that to date, the Convention has been ratified by only nine states, and unfortunately, none of them is from my region. I would like to express our appreciation to Albania, Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, France, Honduras, Mexico, Senegal and Kazakhstan for already ratifying the Convention.
The General Assembly adopted the Convention on December 20, 2006, “by consensus”, and this means that all member states of the United Nations are committed to the objectives and the spirit of the Convention and to give due regard to the Convention as one of the core human rights treaties. I appreciate that my country has pledged to sign and ratify (3) the Convention; however it has not lived up to this pledge yet.
Mr. President,
As the latest report of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) indicates, enforced disappearances are still widely committed in many states with over 40,000 outstanding cases, of which 29,000 cases in Asia (4) . It is in this context that human rights defenders again call on the Human Rights Council to urge its members and other states to speed up the process of signing and ratifying the Convention.
The importance and relevance of the Convention goes beyond the human rights violations that occur when someone is disappeared. The Convention is also an important tool to protect human rights defenders working on the issue of disappearances since they themselves have been the target of harassment, murder and disappearance as well.
From the Asian region, we have a case of a very committed human rights lawyer from South East Asia (5) who disappeared in March 2004 for his activity in defending the victims of human rights violations. We also had another case of an internationally well-known lawyer and human rights defender (6) who died of poisoning on the plane in September 2004. In the same year, a 15-year old girl was kidnapped by the members of the army force (7). Recently in January, five tribesmen (8) who had been working to protect the rights of communities and their ancestral domain from exploitative mining, have been disappeared. In brief, in all other regions of the world, many human rights defenders have also been subject to disappearances without any accountability.
The entry into force of the Convention has been so long awaited by thousands of mothers, fathers, wives and husbands, grandparents and all family members of the victims. The crime of enforced disappearances has caused severe sufferings not only to the direct victims themselves, but also to the relatives and the friends of the disappeared. The eternal waiting for his or her return and the constant uncertainty about the fate and whereabouts of the loved ones can amount to torture.
On behalf of all the victims of disappearances and their families, I strongly urge the member states of the United Nations, especially the members of this Council to ratify the Convention without any delay.
I thank you, Mr. President.
1 Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared (IKOHI), http://www.ikohi.blogspot.com
2 http://www.afad-online.org
3 During the High Level Segment of the 4th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Indonesian government has announced its will to sign and ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
4 The precise figure according to the WGEID report is that disappearances reported to happen in 79 states with 42,393 outstanding cases. 16,526 cases reported happened in Iraq and 12,297 cases in Sri Lanka.
5 Mr. Somchai Neelaphaijit from Thailand was disappeared on 12 March 2004. For further information: http://www.afad-online.org/voice/aug_07/sarosi.htm
6 Mr. Munir Said bin Thalib from Indonesia was poisoned in the plane from Jakarta to Amsterdam in September 2004. For further information: http://www.kontras.org; “Regional NGOs question latest court decision on Munir’s death”,http://www.forum-asia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2054&Itemid=32
7 Ms. Maina Sunuwar was only 15 years old when on 17 February 2004 she was taken from her home by members of the Nepal Army. For further information: http://www.advocacyforum.org
8 Five Mamanwa indigenous men have been missing since 29 January 2009 in Mindanao, the Philippines. They disappeared on the day when they built barricade to block roads to their communities, in order to stop mining. For further information: http://www.lrcksk.org
Below is the statement, which can also be seen at the website of the UN Human Rights Council at http://www2.ohchr.org/english/bodies/hrcouncil/
10th Session of the UN Human Rights Council (2-27 March 2009)
General Segment
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Oral Statement delivered by a civil society representative, Mr. Mugiyanto
Your Excellency Mr President, Distinguished Delegates and NGO colleagues,
First, let me thank you Mr President for allowing me to speak before this Council as a human rights defender and add my perspective to your work.
My name is Mugiyanto. I have been working for the victims of enforced disappearances in Indonesia (1) for the last 11 years. Since 2003, I have been working as the chairperson of the Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)(2) , based in the Philippines. My activities as a human rights defender are based on my own experience as a victim of enforced disappearance 11 years ago – I was fortunate enough to surface again. Because of my work as a student activist, in March 1998, I was held incommunicado, interrogated and tortured.
Mr President,
I would like to take this opportunity to call for your sincere support for the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances, which was adopted by this Human Rights Council at its first session in June 2006. It should be an urgent task for this Council to work towards the effective implementation of the Convention as an instrument for protecting people from enforced disappearances, revealing the truth, delivering justice and providing reparation for the victims and their relatives.
However, we regret that to date, the Convention has been ratified by only nine states, and unfortunately, none of them is from my region. I would like to express our appreciation to Albania, Argentina, Bolivia, Cuba, France, Honduras, Mexico, Senegal and Kazakhstan for already ratifying the Convention.
The General Assembly adopted the Convention on December 20, 2006, “by consensus”, and this means that all member states of the United Nations are committed to the objectives and the spirit of the Convention and to give due regard to the Convention as one of the core human rights treaties. I appreciate that my country has pledged to sign and ratify (3) the Convention; however it has not lived up to this pledge yet.
Mr. President,
As the latest report of the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID) indicates, enforced disappearances are still widely committed in many states with over 40,000 outstanding cases, of which 29,000 cases in Asia (4) . It is in this context that human rights defenders again call on the Human Rights Council to urge its members and other states to speed up the process of signing and ratifying the Convention.
The importance and relevance of the Convention goes beyond the human rights violations that occur when someone is disappeared. The Convention is also an important tool to protect human rights defenders working on the issue of disappearances since they themselves have been the target of harassment, murder and disappearance as well.
From the Asian region, we have a case of a very committed human rights lawyer from South East Asia (5) who disappeared in March 2004 for his activity in defending the victims of human rights violations. We also had another case of an internationally well-known lawyer and human rights defender (6) who died of poisoning on the plane in September 2004. In the same year, a 15-year old girl was kidnapped by the members of the army force (7). Recently in January, five tribesmen (8) who had been working to protect the rights of communities and their ancestral domain from exploitative mining, have been disappeared. In brief, in all other regions of the world, many human rights defenders have also been subject to disappearances without any accountability.
The entry into force of the Convention has been so long awaited by thousands of mothers, fathers, wives and husbands, grandparents and all family members of the victims. The crime of enforced disappearances has caused severe sufferings not only to the direct victims themselves, but also to the relatives and the friends of the disappeared. The eternal waiting for his or her return and the constant uncertainty about the fate and whereabouts of the loved ones can amount to torture.
On behalf of all the victims of disappearances and their families, I strongly urge the member states of the United Nations, especially the members of this Council to ratify the Convention without any delay.
I thank you, Mr. President.
1 Indonesian Association of Families of the Disappeared (IKOHI), http://www.ikohi.blogspot.com
2 http://www.afad-online.org
3 During the High Level Segment of the 4th session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Indonesian government has announced its will to sign and ratify the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearances.
4 The precise figure according to the WGEID report is that disappearances reported to happen in 79 states with 42,393 outstanding cases. 16,526 cases reported happened in Iraq and 12,297 cases in Sri Lanka.
5 Mr. Somchai Neelaphaijit from Thailand was disappeared on 12 March 2004. For further information: http://www.afad-online.org/voice/aug_07/sarosi.htm
6 Mr. Munir Said bin Thalib from Indonesia was poisoned in the plane from Jakarta to Amsterdam in September 2004. For further information: http://www.kontras.org; “Regional NGOs question latest court decision on Munir’s death”,http://www.forum-asia.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2054&Itemid=32
7 Ms. Maina Sunuwar was only 15 years old when on 17 February 2004 she was taken from her home by members of the Nepal Army. For further information: http://www.advocacyforum.org
8 Five Mamanwa indigenous men have been missing since 29 January 2009 in Mindanao, the Philippines. They disappeared on the day when they built barricade to block roads to their communities, in order to stop mining. For further information: http://www.lrcksk.org
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Nasib Orang-orang Hilang di Parlemen
Nasib Orang-Orang Hilang di Parlemen
Pada Oktober tahun lalu, dahaga masyarakat akan penyelesaian kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia sedikit mendapatkan harapan ketika Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat menghidupkan kembali Panitia Khusus DPR untuk kasus penculikan para aktivis tahun 1997-1998 (Pansus Orang Hilang). Pansus yang sebenarnya sudah terbentuk sejak Februari 2007 itu merencanakan untuk melanjutkan kerja-kerjanya yang berhenti dengan meminta keterangan ke sejumlah pihak.
Di antara pihak-pihak yang hendak diperiksa untuk dimintai keterangannya adalah pemerintah, korban, keluarga korban, Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat pendamping dan pihak-pihak yang diduga terlibat. Pemeriksaan atas pihak terakhir inilah yang kemudian menimbulkan polemik dan kontroversi. Mereka yang dimaksud adalah Wiranto, Prabowo Subianto, Sutiyoso dan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
Beberapa kalangan menilai rencana pansus ini lebih merupakan sebuah langkah politik daripada sebuah upaya untuk menegakkan hak asasi manusia. Bahkan ada juga pihak yang mencurigai pansus sebagai manuver Partai Demokrasi Indonesia Perjuangan (PDIP) untuk menjegal rival-rivalnya dalam pemilihan umum nanti dengan menyabet posisi ketua pansus. Namun bagi keluarga korban, perdebatan soal motivasi dan kepentingan politik di balik rencana kerja pansus bukanlah hal yang penting, selama pekerjaan dia bisa berujung pada ditemukannya kejelasan mengenai nasib dan keberadaan orang-orang yang dihilangkan.
Menanggapi polemik dan kontroversi tersebut, ketua pansus bergeming. Pansus tetap melakukan pemeriksaan yang dimulai dengan dengar pendapat dengan beberapa korban, keluarga korban dan LSM pendamping. Kepada beberapa orang yang diduga terlibat, surat pemanggilan pemeriksaan pun sudah dilayangkan November lalu.
Sampai akhir tahun 2008, ketika DPR memasuki masa reses (kunjungan ke daerah-daerah), tak ada lagi kabar berita tentang pansus itu. Dalam kesempatan pemeriksaan korban, keluarga korban dan pendamping, ketua pansus mengatakan, pansus akan menyelesaikan penanganan kasus orang hilang ini sebelum masa kerjanya selesai. Ini berarti, sebelum September 2009, Pansus diasumsikan telah memberikan rekomendasinya kepada presiden untuk membentuk Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc.
Tanggungjawab Negara
Masa persidangan III DPR tahun 2009 sudah dimulai sejak 19 Januari dan secara keseluruhan, sampai dengan 30 September tahun ini, DPR hanya memiliki 126 hari kerja. Walaupun singkat, waktu tersebut dipastikan cukup karena pansus tidak perlu melakukan penyelidikan, hanya tinggal meminta keterangan beberapa pihak sebelum akhirnya merekomendasikan presiden untuk membentuk pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc. Namun demikian, bila janji ketua pansus tidak sekadar diucapkan untuk dilanggar, maka mustinya sekaranglah saatnya pansus mulai bekerja lagi.
Keterbatasan waktu adalah satu hal, tetapi etika moral, sosial dan politik serta tanggung jawab konstitusional negara untuk segera memberikan keadilan pada warganya adalah hal yang jauh lebih substansial. Seorang bangsawan dan negarawan Inggris, William Gladstone pernah mengatakan justice delayed is justice denied, dalam bahasa Indoneia bermakna; keadilan yang tak segera diberikan sama saja dengan pengingkaran atas keadilan itu sendiri. Di sanalah letak kewajiban negara, dimana DPR adalah salah satu unsur untuk segera menangani kasus penghilangan paksa (orang hilang) ini.
Agenda Pemilu dan Hak Asasi Manusia
Agenda nasional pemilu 2009 bukanlah satu-satunya agenda nasional yang karenanya agenda lain bisa dikesampingkan atau ditunda pemenuhannya. Sebagaimana hak-hak warga negara atas pangan, papan, pekerjaan, kesehatan, pendidikan, rasa aman dan sebagainya, hak warga negara atas perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan keadilan juga harus dipenuhi oleh pemerintah dan negara.
Lebih dari itu, pemenuhan hak-hak warga masyarakat tersebut justru akan memberi isi, makna dan bahkan akan menentukan kualitas dan hasil pemilu yang akan datang. Oleh karena itu, usulan agar Pansus Orang Hilang menyerahkan penanganan kasus tersebut pada DPR hasil Pemilu 2009 nanti adalah usulan tidak bertanggung jawab.
Agenda pemilu dan hak asasi manusia menjadi semakin kental relevansi dan keterkaitannya satu sama lain karena pemerintah dan DPR hasil pemilu 2009 masih harus menyelesaikan salah satu tanggung jawab besar masa transisi yaitu penanganan berbagai kasus-kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia masa lalu dan pemenuhan hak-hak para korban.
Keengganan dan kelambatan pemerintah sebelumnya dalam menangani pelanggaran hak asasi manusia masa lalu menjadikan tanggung jawab ini terus terbebankan kepada pemerintah selanjutnya. Namun tanggung jawab ini harus diambil, karena ia menjadi prasyarat keberhasilan masa transisi menuju demokrasi dan kemajuan ekonomi (Nelson Mandela, Transitional Justice; How Emerging Democracies Recon with Former Regimes, 1995).
Hak Asasi Manusia dan Pansus yang Hilang
Kalau kita mengamati secara serius masa hiruk-pikuk kampanye para calon legislatif (caleg) dan calon presiden/wakil presiden selama beberapa bulan terakhir, isu hak asasi manusia nyaris tidak pernah terdengar. Sangat sedikit, atau bahkan tidak ada sama sekali yang secara jelas berbicara tentang apa yang akan mereka lakukan terhadap berbagai kasus pelanggaran hak asasi manusia yang ada di Indonesia.
Dari perkembangan dan fenomena yang muncul akhir-akhir ini, kecenderungan yang muncul di kalangan para kandidat yang mencalonkan diri adalah membungkus rapat-rapat keborokan-keborokan mereka di bidang hak asasi manusia (political wrapping) dengan membangun pencitraan politik yang populis (popular political imaging) pada masyarakat. Sehingga kesan yang muncul adalah bahwa kita tidak memiliki masalah dengan hak asasi manusia atau hak asasi manusia tidaklah penting.
Ribuan korban konflik di Aceh dan Papua serta ribuan yang lain dari berbagai kasus yang terjadi sejak tahun 1965 hingga turunnya Orde Baru seperti menjadi angka-angka mati yang tak berarti. Padahal setiap Kamis sore, mereka masih selalu menagih janji keadilan pemerintah di depan istana presiden.
Iklan-iklan politik seperti ini tidak hanya membodohi dan membohongi rakyat, tetapi juga berbahaya bagi bangsa ke depan karena nilai yang dibangun berseberangan dengan arus besar bangsa-bangsa di dunia yang sedang berjuang untuk menghapuskan impunitas dan menegakkan hak asasi manusia.
Akan lebih bertanggung jawab dan visioner bila para calon presiden dan wakil presiden beserta calon legislatif yang sedang berkampanye juga mengintegrasikan hak asasi manusia sebagai bagian integral dari program-program yang mereka tawarkan bila mereka terpilih.
Bagi Pansus Orang Hilang DPR, kinilah saatnya untuk membuktikan bahwa pansus dibentuk dengan tujuan untuk membuka jalan penyelesaian kasus orang hilang sebagaimana direkomendasikan oleh Komisi Nasional Hak Asasi Manusia atau Komnas HAM pada November 2006. Pekerjaan pansus ini juga bisa dijadikan sebagai usaha untuk memperbaiki citra DPR yang sampai saat ini sedang berada di titik nadir yang rendah karena berbagai skandal korupsi. Bagi masyarakat, pansus juga bisa dijadikan ukuran kinerja para anggota DPR saat ini, apakah mereka masih layak untuk dipilih kembali?
Mugiyanto, ketua IKOHI dan Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD)
Sumber: Media Bersama (http://www.mediabersama.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2181:nasib-orang-orang-hilang-di-parlemen&catid=932:pandangan&Itemid=110)
Diterbitkan lagi oleh Vivanews.com di http://ureport.vivanews.com/news/read/30382-nasib_orang_hilang_di_parlemen
Friday, January 16, 2009
Refleksi Ketua IKOHI
Memperingati Satu Dasawarsa IKOHI
17 September 1998 – 17 September 2008
Mensyukuri Kemenangan
(Modal Memperjuangkan Kebenaran dan Keadilan bagi Korban)
17 September 2008 adalah peringatan hari jadi IKOHI yang ke-10. Persis 10 tahun yang lalu, keluarga korban aktifis pro-demokrasi yang diculik oleh satuan Kopassus mendirikan tenda keprihatinan di halaman YLBHI, Jakarta. Mereka prihatin, karena pemerintah Habibie tidak segera mencari korban penculikan yang masih hilang dan menindak para pelaku. Padahal keterlibatan militer, khususnya Kopassus pada waktu itu sudah terlihat gamblang.
Untuk mengejawantahkan keprihatinan menjadi tindak perjuangan, dan dengan dorongan dari Munir, para keluarga korban yang dimotori oleh Misiati dan Raharjo Utomo (orangtua Petrus Bima Anugerah), Said Alkatiri (ayah Noval Alkatiri), Hj. Marufah (ibunda Faisol Riza), Eva Arnaz (istri Dedy Hamdun), Yuniarsih (ibunda Herman Hendrawan), serta Paian Siahaan (ayah Ucok Siahaan) mendirikan sebuah paguyuban keluarga korban penghilangan paksa yang mereka beri nama Ikatan Keluarga Orang Hilang Indonesia atau IKOHI. Adnan Buyung Nasution, Ali Sadikin, Adi Andoyo, HJC Princen dan Amin Rais, adalah beberapa saksi hidup pendirian IKOHI pada waktu itu.
Kini usia IKOHI sudah beranjak satu dekade. Pada ulang tahun IKOHI yang ke-10 ini, kami mengambil tema “Mensyukuri Kemenangan”, sebuah tema yang mungkin kontroversial, menimbulkan beribu gugat tanya atau malah mencengangkan mengingat masih jauhnya keadilan, kebenaran dan perdamaian dari hati para korban pelanggaran HAM. Namun IKOHI memiliki cara tersendiri untuk memaknainya.
Ditengah politik dan budaya impunitas yang mengental, perjuangan menuntut kita untuk cermat dan tidak hanya melihat hal-hal negatif, halangan, rintangan, hambatan dan kegagalan. Kita juga dituntut untuk melihat, menghargai dan mensyukuri beberapa kemenangan yang sering tidak kita sadari. Menghargai dan mensyukuri kemenangan akan menebalkan optimisme dan harapan bahwa yang kita perjuangkan tidaklah tanpa hasil atau gagal. Mengenali, merawat dan mensyukuri kemenangan yang ada akan menjadi energi dan tenaga perjuangan yang memang menuntut stamina prima.
IKOHI menganggap bahwa kemenangan tidak hanya selalu berarti diadilinya para pelaku, terungkapnya kebenaran dan dipenuhinya hak-hak para korban dan keluarganya. Kemenangan bagi kami bisa berwujud hal-hal sepele yang sering kita abaikan, tapi ia bermakna jauh lebih agung dari sekedar digelarnya panggung dagelan pengadilan HAM, atau dibentuknya Komisi Kebenaran yang semangatnya adalah memaafkan dan melupakan.
Tanpa sadar, kita sebenarnya telah memenangi perjuangan pertama yang sangat menentukan. Kemenangan itu adalah ketika kita, para korban dan keluarga korban mempertanyakan keadilan lalu mengorganisasikan diri. Kita musti sadar, ketika Yani Afri, Suyat, Wiji Thukul, Herman Hendrawan dan Bima dihilangkan, para penculik bermaksud menghilangkan juga semangat dan perjuangan para aktifis pro-demokrasi ini. Ketika Munir dibunuh, para pembunuh juga ingin Munir mati bersama kegiatan, semangat dan perjuangannya untuk demokrasi dan hak asasi manusia. Tapi, apakah kegiatan mereka berhenti, semangat mereka pudar dan perjuangannya luntur. Jawabannya adalah tidak! Tidak hanya keluarga yang ditinggalkan yang terus berjuang, bahkan kini kelompok masyarakat yang lain pun akhirnya menjadi pewaris nilai dan pelanjut perjuangan mereka. Sehingga menjamurlah organisasi-organisasi korban pelanggaran HAM di berbagai daerah. Ini adalah kemenangan terbesar kita, kemenangan untuk tetap hidup dan berlawan, dari usaha pembungkaman, ancaman bahkan pembunuhan dan penghilangan.
Walaupun tidak ada penghukuman, digelarnya pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc untuk kasus Timor Timur dan Tanjung Priok juga adalah merupakan kemenangan bagi korban, masyarakat dan bagi hak asasi manusia itu sendiri. Pengadilan itu menjadi anti klimaks dari kebrutalan sebuah rejim, yang dengan alat kekerasannya yaitu polisi dan tentara pernah secara barbar menginjak-injak kemanusiaan. Walau tidak berhasil menghukum pelaku, Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc itu pernah meminta pertanggungjawaban pihak dan orang-orang yang pada masa Orde Baru sangat berkuasa dan karenanya menakutkan. Walaupun gagal, Pengadilan HAM Ad Hoc telah berhasil memberi pelajaran penting bagi aparat represif negara untuk tidak semena-mena diwaktu mendatang.
Demikian juga proses hukum dalam bentuk penyelidikan atas kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM yang berat seperti kasus Mei 1998, Trisakti - Semanggi I dan II, Penghilangan Paksa 1997 – 1998, Lampung 1989, Wamena dan lain-lainnya. Walaupun semuanya berhenti di laci Jaksa Agung, mereka adalah hasil dari buah perjuangan korban dan keluarganya, serta kelompok masyarakat yang mengagungkan ditegakkannya hak-hak asasi manusia.
Masih banyak dan teramat banyak kemenangan-kemenangan para korban untuk diuraikan disini. Orang boleh bilang, bahwa itu hanyalah kemenangan-kemenangan kecil. Tapi kita musti tahu, kemenangan-kemenangan kecillah yang akan membuka jalan bagi kemenangan-kemenangan besar. Kemenangan besar hanya bisa diraih bila kemenangan-kemenangan kecil sudah didapat. Sedikit demi sedikit, lama lama menjadi bukit.
Memperjuangkan keadilan dan kebenaran dalam sebuah rejim yang tidak bersahabat dengan hak asasi manusia sungguh luar biasa berat. Ia seperti perjuangan untuk menumbangkan rejim itu sendiri. Dalam hal ini, sastrawan asal Ceko Milan Kundera secara persis mengatakan dalam bukunya “the Book of Laughter and Forgetting” bahwa “the struggle of man against power is like the struggle of memory against forgetting”.
10 tahun sejak IKOHI berdiri, bukanlah waktu yang singkat untuk berjuang. Terlebih lagi bagi para korban pelanggaran HAM yang peristiwanya terjadi jauh sebelum itu, seperti korban peristiwa pembantaian paska 30 September 1965, DOM di Aceh dan Papua, Tanjung Priok, Lampung, Petrus dan sebagainya. Mereka telah berjuang sejak peristiwa terjadi hingga ke seluruh sisa hidupnya.
Dari sini, saya mencoba melontarkan sebuah pertanyaan, yang menurut saya layak untuk kita renungkan jawabannya. Karena dari sana kita mungkin bisa memetik makna atau hikmah. Pertanyaannya adalah, apa yang membuat para korban sanggup bertahan untuk berjuang sedemikian lama? Energi apa yang mereka miliki untuk menjaga stamina perjuangan?
Dalam buku “Api Dilawan Air; Sosok dan Pemikiran Munir” yang diterbitkan LP3ES disebutkan bahwa Munir adalah orang yang sangat percaya pada sikap optimis. Optimisme dapat menggiring orang pada kehidupan yang lebih baik. Sikap optimis dapat membuat orang percaya pada pengharapan. Sikap itu juga dapat menuntun orang memahami kemanusiaan yang sesungguhnya.
Demikianlah, optimisme membuat orang hidup dan terus berusaha. Optimisme bisa muncul ketika kita memiliki harapan. Harapan bisa ada karena contoh-contoh dan pengalaman-pengalaman keberhasilan dan kemenangan. Disinilah pentingya kita menghargai keberhasilan dan kemenangan. Dan salah salah satu wujud penghargaan kita terhadap keberhasilan dan kemenangan adalah dengan mensyukurinya.
Ketika didirikan 10 tahun lalu, yang kemudian disempurnakan pada Kongres I tanggal 11 sampai 14 Oktober 2002, kami ingin menjadikan IKOHI sebagai wadah perjuangan korban. Kami berkeyakinan bahwa sudah waktunya korban harus mengubah diri menjadi penyintas, atau bahkan pejuang. Korban harus menjadi pelaku atau subjek dari perjuangan untuk menegakkan keadilan dan kebenaran, untuk selanjutnya bergandengan tangan dengan para aktifis HAM atau siapapun yang menginginkan ditegakkannya keadilan di negeri ini. Korban dan keluarga korban kami yakini sebagai entitas yang paling punya kepentingan dan sah untuk memperjuangkan keadilan bagi mereka sendiri atau keluarganya yang dijadikan korban oleh negara.
Sejak didirikan, IKOHI telah mengalami berbagai dinamika pasang surut dan metamorfosa. Dari paguyuban yang terdiri dari puluhan keluarga korban penculikan tahun 1997-1998, IKOHI kemudian menjadi organisasi korban penghilangan paksa di seluruh Indonesia. Bahkan sejak Kongres II di Makassar pada tanggal 6-8 Maret 2006 IKOHI disepakati untuk menjadi wadah organisasi korban dan keluarga korban berbagai tindak pelanggaran HAM di seluruh Indonesia, tidak hanya penghilangan paksa saja. Hal ini menunjukkan adanya semangat yang luar biasa bagi korban untuk bersatu, menghilangkan sekat-sekat peristiwa, kasus dan wilayah. Hal ini juga didasari pada pengalaman bahwa korban pelanggaran HAM apapun, dimanapun, didasari konteks politik seperti apapun dampaknya bagi korban adalah sama, yaitu penderitaan.
Satu dasawarsa sudah usia IKOHI hari ini. Dengan prioritas kerja pada pemberdayaan dan penguatan korban dan keluarga korban pelanggaran HAM serta kampanye penyelesaian kasus oleh negara, IKOHI telah turut memberi warna pada keadaan hak asasi manusia pada hari ini. Memang masih jauh untuk bisa dikatakan baik, terutama bila diukur pada sejauh mana negara mengungkap kebenaran, meminta pertanggungjawaban pada para pelaku dan pemenuhan hak hak korban. Tetapi tidak bisa dikatakan pula bahwa perjuangan IKOHI gagal. Dengan segala keterbatasan kapasitas sumberdaya manusia, dukungan dana, masyarakat dan terutama politik HAM pemerintah yang masih melanggengkan impunitas, IKOHI masih bisa bersama dengan korban memperjuangkan digelarnya pengadilan HAM, didirikannya Komisi Kebenaran dan merespon isu-isu mutahir lainnya seperti pembunuhan pemimpin kami, Munir. Dengan dukungan berbagai pihak, IKOHI juga bisa menjalankan program layanan konsultasi psikologis, biaya bantuan sekolah bagi anak-anak korban, menggelar pendidikan HAM di beberapa daerah, pelatihan psikososial, merintis usaha ekonomi mandiri dan koperasi seperti yang kami lakukan di Jakarta.
Sebagai organisasi yang didirikan oleh keluarga korban penculikan aktifis tahun 1997-1998, IKOHI berhasil mengawal proses hingga Komnas HAM menyelesaikan penyelidikan ad hoc untuk kasus tersebut, yang sayangnya kini di peti-eskan oleh jaksa Agung.
Di kancah internasional IKOHI juga telah bisa turut berperan aktif di forum-forum sidang Komisi HAM dan Dewan HAM PBB, terutama setelah IKOHI menjadi anggota Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances (AFAD) pada tahun 2003. Semua aktifitas itu ditujukan untuk menarik dukungan komunitas internasional agar mendesak dan mendorong Indonesia taat pada prinsip-prinsip HAM universal dengan menyelesaikan kasus-kasus pelanggaran HAM yang telah terjadi dan memperhatikan hak-hak korban. IKOHI juga secara rutin berkomunikasi dengan Kelompok Kerja PBB untuk Penghilangan Paksa (UNWGEID) dengan melaporkan kasus-kasus penghilangan paksa secara individual. Bahkan khusus untuk isu penghilangan paksa, IKOHI berbahagia telah turut berpartisipasi dalam berbagai kegiatan lobby di PBB hingga akhirnya Konvensi Internasional tentang Penghilangan Orang Secara Paksa disahkan oleh PBB pada bulan Desember 2006. Dan sebagai pengakuan atas sepak terjang IKOHI itu, ketua IKOHI, Mugiyanto akhirnya dipilih secara konsensus untuk menjadi Ketua AFAD dalam Kongres ke-3 di KatmandĂș, Nepal akhir tahun2006 yang lalu.
Keberhasilan IKOHI melewati satu dasawarsa atau satu dekade ini tak lain dan tak bukan adalah karena kerjasama dan dukungan segenap keluarga korban yang selama ini hidup dan berjuang bersama-sama IKOHI. Tanpa mereka dan dukungan mereka, IKOHI bukanlah apa-apa dan bukan siapa-siapa.
Organisasi-organisasi daerah yang merupakan jaringan IKOHI seperti SPKP-HAM Aceh, SKP-HAM Sulteng, Sulsel dan Sultra, IKOHI K2N, serta IKOHI Jateng dan Jatim adalah jaringan utama kami, tempat para korban membangun dan menjalin solidaritas. Demikian juga Kontras Jakarta, Aceh, Papua dan Medan, serta Elsam, ICTJ, Praxis, Yayasan Pulih, ICMC, VHR dan Imparsial adalah lembaga-lembaga yang sangat berperan membesarkan dan menguatkan kami.
Terima kasih juga kami sampaikan atas dukungan dan kerjasamanya; Demos, HRWG, YLBHI, PSHK, PEC, LBH Jakarta, Arus Pelangi, Ultimus, Media Bersama dan lain-lain yang tak mungkin disebutkan satu persatu, serta kawan-kawan yang bersama di jaringan gerakan HAM dan demokrasi; PRP, KORBAN, FPN dan gerakan sektoral lainnya. Kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga atas dukungannya selama ini. Terima kasih juga kami sampaikan kepada lembaga-lembaga yang telah memberikan dukungan finansial demi suksesnya program-program IKOHI seperti Yayasan Tifa, Kedutaan Besar Swiss, Hivos, IALDF, ICMC, AFAD, Tapol, EKD, the Bodyshop, Forum Asia, Kedutaan Besar Argentina, dll.
Menginjak usai ke-11, IKOHI akan menjadikan kegagalan sebagai pelajaran untuk memperbaiki dan melanjutkan apa yang telah kami raih. Menghargai dan mensyukuri kemenangan, walaupun yang terkecil sekalipun, akan kami jadikan sebagai modal untuk bersiap dalam perjuangan jangka panjang, terutama dengan memprioritaskan pada dipenuhinya hak-hak korban akan keadilan, kebenaran, perdamaian, jaminan ketidakberulangan serta pemulihan fisik dan mental.
Selamat Ulang Tahun IKOHI!
Jakarta, 17 September 2008
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